Fun little story: when I looked in my passport there was the vignette valid from tomorrow until the 5th of October. I freaked out a bit cuz of the date being 05/10/18 and was like “they messed up the date! It’s not valid!” Then realized how stupid I was and was super relieved. Turn to the next page of the passport and see the same exact vignette but with red lines crossed through it. Upon closer inspection they had originally put the visa in there valid from August 4,2018 till September 4,2018 (which is the day I received the visa). Thankfully they realized this mistake before sending it to me!!! I have a valid vignette and a plane ticket home:) so very happy. ❤️
Thank you all for your help during the application process especially to @KFdancer as she is the one who told me about this forum, and was very helpful, and also to larrabee and ksand24 who were particularly helpful. Everyone else was amazing and I can’t wait to meet some of you at the Blizzard Party!!
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