The facebook forum will be the death of you. I made a post today and the same admin that I called out for bad information turned off the comments.
Basically her favorite line to tell individuals with dependents is that you can only take a child to the uk if you have sole custody or death of a parent. So I made a post to say thats not the only option and other documents can be provided.
She basically believes parents with joint custody and child support cannot get approved, because the guidelines states sole custody or death.
I think she took offense to it because I called her out, she also started to talk about socioeconomic factors. I had to blatantly say UKVI does not care how rich I am and which country I'm from and how my childs flies back to the US. They care about facts, its a check box visa.
I was going to add, why didn't the parent with sole custody get the visa (they were refused yesterday), but decided to leave it alone.
I told her as an admin she needed to do better and be more knowledgeable because some individuals only have this Facebook group and the misinformation within the group is crazy.
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