That doesn’t sound right.
You're right, it wasn't right, I'd mixed up the amounts paid to UKVI and VFS Global. The amounts I paid were:
UKVI: 1974 USD + 800 USD (Health Surcharge)
VFS: 912 USD (Priority + Return Courier)
Which I think might match up once the exchange rate is taken into account.
Also, if your application arrived in Sheffield on 10 November and you paid for priority, you should have received the visa by now... since priority applications processed in November were only taking about 15-20 working days and you’re at 32 working days now.
That's what we had thought as well, but we also thought it was still enough within the margin of deviation to not yet be concerned (the lawyer had us include mountains of evidence showing the genuine nature of our relationship, which we now know was mostly pointless, and probably has made the application take longer to process). What do you think we should do? I've been avoiding contacting UKVI to ask about what's going on because it's often described here as futile, but am beginning to think it may be worth making sure they haven't mislaid the application.