So three year old was sick all night last night. FUN! One of those great nights of parenting. She woke up this morning feeling great and was SO UPSET when I told her she wasn't going to nursery on Halloween. She's been so looking forward to being a scarecrow.
I, on the other hand, have a severe vomiting phobia. Talk about shivers up my spine. I'm doing better with it since having kids but it's not good. I'm desperately trying to not transfer it onto my kids. I got mine from my mom, even though she fiercely denies having a vomiting phobia.
I had asked my husband if he could stay home today, as a nursing baby and a sick preschooler, along with my phobia, was just more than I can handle mentally. He gave the song and dance about how it's not a good time at work (never is though) and off he went. Well, he just got home 15 minutes ago and looks like death. I didn't want him to be at home this way. I suspect it's only a matter of time before the vomiting begins...
FUN HALLOWEEEN. It's my sweet Sobe cat's 17th birthday!
Send help! I hope I don't get struck down and if I do, I hope it's after my husband has recovered!!!!!!! We were sick simultaneously once before and it was horrific!