It's funny because I think Americans tend to think the C-bomb is used as casually as they appear to use it in Australia. While it's used far more in a casual setting here than in the US, it's DEFINITELY still offensive. It all depends on where you are/who you're speaking to. My husband literally winces in pain if he hears people use the c-word! When people form the US say to him "but you guys use the c-word all the time, don't you?" or something of that nature he's like "OMG ABSOLUTELY NOT!"
That was pretty much my FIL's reaction. *blush*
I do accidentally drop the f-bomb A LOT.
"Accidentally... a LOT." I feel like these words don't fit together. But it did make me laugh.
My husband asked me if I was a sailor the other day because I said it a few times when telling him a story about something that was exceptionally irritating. I was like "what are you on about???" and he was like "Well you're swearing so much, you probably should be!"
My husband says the "little" words. Bugger, c-word, bum. I generally am on my best behaviour. But when I think it's socially acceptable, I say the big words. F, bs, @sshole, sh--.
But I also say the made-up alternatives, too. Once, I dropped a whole pan of meat when I was working at Taco Bell (oh, yes, I did... off and on through university... I had ALL the noms!), I exclaimed, "Gosh darnit to heck!"... with feeling! My shift manager wasn't amused. I don't know if it was my fake-cursing loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear, or if it was the food cost of dropping the pan of meat, but he wasn't happy.