Happy Thanksgiving from my little turkeys!
I could gobble them up. 🦃
DH and I had (veggie) Thanksgiving dinner last night. It was my first time trying to do a proper Thanksgiving dinner for us (we usually just do mash, gravy and veg sausages).
We had cheesy mash, mushroom gravy, lentils and spinach, cranberry sauce, corn, veggie sausage and stuffing made with my homemade seedy sourdough.
We've got leftovers to last a week and DH gets to be the coolest kid at school today with leftover Thanksgiving dinner for his work lunch.
Dessert was cherry pie since DH doesn't like pumpkin pie, but I made mini pumpkin pies to bring in to work today. I had a mini pumpkin pie
for after breakfast this morning (quality control
) and it was yummy and at 7.5cm across, didn't require a fork. Just stuff it in your face and you're good to go.
Tonight we're Skyping my family before their Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family, so we'll have a nuked T-day dinner.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!