We had Christmas Weekend of Awesome Food... four days of nearly-nonstop eating.
* Friday was rather boring because it was "just" turmeric chicken with vegetables.
*Saturday we went to Bristol to see my in-laws¹ and came home to make Mexican Platter -- and it was a good one (we generally cook creatively, rather than by strictly adhering to a recipe, so the spices are never exactly the same ratio twice)!
* Sunday (Christmas Eve), we had taco salad from Saturday night's leftover ingredients for breakfast. At some point in the day, I know we made a trifle (strawberry, because raspberries suck!), because we had trifle for the rest of the weekend. I just only vaguely remember doing it... it was still light out when we made the custard, so we probably started it right after the taco salad. Finally, we had fillet steak with pepper sauce (again, but better!), mashed potatoes, and chopped salad for dinner.
* Monday (Christmas), we started with Irish coffees at 10am, and then roasted a turkey breast crown with parsnips and carrots and stuffing balls (in the pizza oven), had proper roast potatoes done in a cast iron pan in the pizza oven (they were
amazing!), sauteed green beans and sprouts with bacon lardons on the single burner camp stove, and made a bit of gravy from the turkey drippings in the saute pan after setting the veg aside to tie it all together. Then we had a generous glass of eggnog around 4pm. And, finally, we had a platter of cured meats, cheeses², olives and peppers, which we washed down with wine (I told my husband I probably wouldn't drink enough port to justify opening the bottle, but then I drank much more wine than I expected so we probably could've just had the port). We had some trifle around midnight.
* Tuesday, we were kind of floundering for what to eat because I didn't expect to still be alive, so I didn't plan this far ahead. So I did a quick Google search and learned about using leftover turkey to make something other than cold turkey salad or turkey wraps or sandwiches. We had
turkey fricassee with tarragon carrots, and it was really nice. I used up all of the leftovers in this dish, served with some mashed potatoes rather than rice because rice is boring. For dinner last night, we just had some pierogi and sausage bites with spicy ketchup and barbecue sauce. And we finished off the trifle.
¹ Shortly after arriving at my in-laws, my FIL was talking about dinner and asked if I liked steak and applesauce, "because that's what we're having" (my husband has led them to believe that I'm an incredibly picky eater because I'm allergic to onions and peanuts). I hadn't really been paying attention to what he said before that, and I'm hard of hearing, so I asked him to say it again.
"Steak and applesauce."
I thought about the flavour combination and was confused, so I said, "Oh... I don't know... is the sauce cooked? Because I like it when it's cooked, but I don't like it straight from the jar. I find it a bit too... gritty... when it's not cooked."
He looked at me in slight confusion and said, "No, it'll be cooked."
I said, "Oh, that should be okay, then, I think. I've never had it on steak before, but it's really nice on pork."
He said, "You could have it on pork, but on steak is reasonably common."
I said, "Well, I'll give it a try. But maybe go a little light with it for mine."
Fast-forward about an hour, my husband and I were sat around the table just before his dad brought out the food, and I said something about steak and applesauce, and my husband looked at me like I had two heads. I said, "That's what your dad said we are having...?" Keep in mind that they not too long ago served us unseasoned ham with gravy made from the "drippings" of the unseasoned ham. To my mind,
anything is possible with these people and food.
So my husband said, "Nooo....! Steak and
pepper sauce! Steak and applesauce would be weird!"
I said, "Ohhh!
Pepper sauce! *laugh* Yeah, I know nobody
normal would have applesauce on steak, but I honestly heard applesauce. Twice! And, to them, ham & gravy is a thing! But I did say it sounded unusual, but I was willing to try it... Your dad must think I'm mad." And then I started laughing slightly maniacally.
My husband said, "Oh, I have to tell him...!" with a huge grin on his face. I said, "You can't! Then they'll know that I think they're capable of steak and applesauce!"
He told them.

² Whoever it was recently who suggested I try comté cheese when I was looking for recommendations was so right! My husband and I both loved it.
EDIT: Also, I
love steak with pepper sauce, and I was really sad when he brought my plate out and there was hardly any on mine because I thought it was going to be applesauce and was afraid.