Now I'm beginning to question what I've been doing these last years...
I'm USC, married to a UKC. He works full time in the UK, and other than marrying me in 2013, has no ties to the US (he's never even been to the US!). I have been retired for some years, and my income is from a modest pension in the US. Before the marriage, I filed as "single" every year. Now I file as "married filing separately". For my spouse's information, I provide his name and for SSN/ITIN, I put NRA (for "non-resident alien"). We don't have any joint accounts, because it's much simpler to just keep our assets separate. He owns the house (and the mortgage... sucker!), and I just live in it. I started filing FBAR last year based only on my personal accounts when they reached $10,000 combined. I'm fine/up to date, right?