You do realise that I absolutely imagine your house being like a massive old mansion with stables, outbuildings, old stones everywhere. I am always curious how "off" I am. I picture BIG, STONEY (is that a word), dark and cold. Lol! Am I close?
Aww... you've combined elements of the old rental house and our new we're-on-the-housing-ladder house together... and it sounds like you took the most grand elements from both and I live in an amazing place! I wish!
Okay... I will show you a photo of the house we used to rent a wing off of. And I will show you a photo of the front of our new house taken the summer before we moved in. You will be vindicated and disappointed at the same time.
Old rented house:
This is the house (with our car in the foreground... we officially weren't allowed to park there, but they had chronic building works going on, and occasionally they let us park there rather than down on the road).

This was the section we rented. It consisted of 1 bedroom, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a combination lounge/dining room, all linked together by a hall along the front wall of the house.
New House:
Not our cars in the driveway. The bungalow is on one side of a lane (that we own, but our neighbours have right of way to use), and the stables are on the other side of the lane.

The back garden and shed, looking toward the house. The little porch-like extension off the back of the house is our utilikitchen. That's where all the magic happens... and laundry.

The stables, which aren't as grand as they sound, but they represent