When a shared property - DEFINITELY get a solicitor involved. It'll be a very small cost in the long run. And they'll think of things we are unable to think of. To protect both of you (and your partner).
It's never wrong to help family (it's also never wrong to say you can't do it either). Just be well informed and have a clear (written) plan in place. Your partner needs to be just as "for it" as you are, as it could impact him financially as well. Particularly if you wanted to buy a property in the future. You'd have to pay stamp duty and not benefit from first time buyer stamp duty (if you would qualify if you didn't do this) as well as it affecting your purchasing power.
Again, no right or wrong answer. Just best to be informed!
Thank you, oh yeah definitely, my hubby is my go to person in all this. We both decided together not to live there after visiting the house so we're trying to see what our options are with this route.
Gosh yeah didn't even think of stamp duty, no idea how that stuff works. Me and my husband actually started our Help to Buy ISA's a few months ago and we mentioned that we would lose the bonus if we did co-own, because technically we wouldn't be first time buyers after this step. My brother said he would be willing to gift us the amount we would have got.
So honestly it sounds like a good deal, but my issue is, is that I haven't heard any cons yet, and call me a pessimist, but if i don't know of any cons I cant make an informed decision.
But yes, I will definitely speak to a solicitor and ask for advice. I'm happy to help my siblings but not at the expense of my relationship. Me and my hubby have gone through too much in terms of the LDR (as I'm sure you all can relate to as well) to take any potentional risk on it.