I don't really have framed photographs around the place - never have. People kept giving me beautiful photograph frames which I wanted to keep and display but blank photo frames look a bit odd. Picture frames often come with printed paper pics in them and I did have the option to pretend they were pics of family and friends but I put photos of my eldest (and at the time, only) cat, Paddie in them in my flat in the UK. This, of course, simply marked me as a loony cat woman, which I don't dispute (which has to be better than the loony woman with pictures she is pretending are family and friends). The real Paddie was with me abroad where I was living and it was actually rather comforting to have pics of her when we were apart.
And now here she is with me in the UK! She is 16/17 years old and bits of grey are creeping into her fur and I just can't believe she is here!
She now meows with an English accent. I still have the photo frames with her photos in them.