Just a recap, I'm an independent contractor for US company and get paid to US account. I've been trying to read up on the treatment of independent contractors in the UK, and when I do the online test on the HMRC the results are "inconclusive" and it notes they need more information to determine if I qualify. I believe I meet most of the criteria.
I've talked to one accountant that does UK and US down in the London area, and the price for the two returns was going to be almost £2400, this was US federal and state, and the UK. Does this sound reasonable? My husband is a carer and I'm mainly the sole provider and with the immigration requirements I'm trying very hard to save where I can so that I can have savings for the next immigration renewal in 2020. I reached out to another local attorney and the fee to do UK only ranges from £250-500 so lower end for filing I believe it's a sole trader, then higher if I decide to form a UK entity.
I want to avoid forming a UK entity just b/c it seems to add another complexity and I'm already struggling with understanding all this as it is. If I understood the local accountant correctly, if I form a company, that is taxed lower than I would as self-employed/sole-trader so it would be beneficial to me in the UK tax wise. I would form a company and pay myself from the entity, then my entity would be the one that works with the US company. The potential issues with this would be that my husband is a carer and therefore I think there is a cap on how much he can earn, the accountant mentioned that in a partnership my husband wouldn't have to do anything but if he does have a limit on how much he can earn as a carer, it could become an issue as he could lose that benefit. And now looking back, immigration wise I believe his carer benefit eligibility helps us so I do not want to jeopardize that.
The accountant also mentioned personal allowance, where the UK doesn't tax you on £11,850. Because he doesn't do US taxes, he didn't know if this offered me any benefit on the US side. Can someone explain to me how this works with US? If he claims that, assuming I am eligible for it, I understand it reduces my UK tax liability since I would be taxed on the income that exceeds that amount. However, how does that affect my US tax liability? Does US tax me on the whole income earned, therefore reducing it in the UK just means I have to pay more on the US? How is it determined if I am eligible for this allowance?
After the call with the accountant I'm just feeling exhausted and not feeling any relief. I work on complex issues at work, but never has anything felt so daunting and I don't know why. I hesitate to pay the London accountant that much without doing due diligence on price comparisons, but I just want it to be handled, done correctly...I guess I'm feeling vulnerable to the point that I will jeopardize the budget to just have the weight lifted.