I guess it's a debate when numerous posters all come down on one or two who ask further questions.
Whether a question is "hypothetical" or not is irrelevent. Heck, if the question is hypothetical then so is the answer - no need for anyone to get offended or defend their territory.
A foreigner coming into the country who asks about getting benefits to cover something which is self-inflicted, calculated and intentional is going to get some peoples' backs up. It doesn't matter whether the topic relates to pregnancy or whatever. Whether it is reasonable or not for them to get flack for even thinking about benefits is neither here nor there - the fact is is that it's a contentious issue, whatever the background. As I said, it's a red rag to a bull (which means that any reasoning is out of the window).
For the sake of political correctness, it is probably best to leave unsaid any thought of getting state benefits. The topic becomes a debate any time it's mentioned. Think of it along the same lines of mentioning someone's race, and the effect that this has on an otherwise innocent topic.