Probably already asked and answered elsewhere on this forum, but I can't seem to find necessary information.
I'm a USC, recently moved to Scotland on a spouse vise - wife is a UKC with a US ITIN.
I have US income from 2017 to report, no UK income.
Wife has minimal UK income (pension only), no US income.
We (wife) have 2017 income tax (minor), council taxes, etc, that would be a help on my/our deductions.
Pretty basic questions: Do I file single or jointly (married or separately)?
How do we translate non-IRS information (no W-2's, no 1099's, etc) into acceptable submissions for the IRS?
UK tax year is 1-Apr to 31-Mar - do I use the data from her tax statements ending in April of the US tax year or do I try to calculate actual income/taxes for the calendar year?