KFdancer and Ksand24, I wanted to get your opinion:
We went to our bank where we have had a joint bank account since 2009 in hopes that they could print out a statement from each year that we've had the account. They said they coudn't print it out like it would have been if it came in the mail but they would be able to print it out like it shows below.
What they gave me in the meantime is a statement showing when we opened the account, our current balance (showing its still an active account), and the average balance over the last 12 months as well as our names as the primary and joint account owners. I'm assuming how its printed meets the requirements of being on letterhead? The bank associate also signed the document to try and help prove authenticity.
I know when it comes time to actually submit my Visa application next year, we'll need to get an updated one less then 28 days old but I wanted to ask if, in your experience, would something like this work?
OR, if this specific doc wouldn't work, would a printed historic monthly statement (one from each year) printed in the same manner with Chase Bank logo at the top and signed by the bank rep meet the requirements?
We have also requested that they start sending us physical statements each month, which they said they will.
OH! And for other person's info, with help in setting up a new bank account in the UK, we asked Chase Bank if we can change our address and have our bank statements mailed to our new UK address (my husband's aunts and uncles address) several months before we move. We explained why. They said they can totally do that without a problem. We should just notify them so they can put a "travel notice" on our account so its clear why our statements are going to a UK address but there is still activity in the US. They said it takes about 30 days for the change to take effect.
This will make getting a new UK bank account much easier because once we get over there, we will already have had a couple months bank statements sent to our relatives home address in our name so we can take that into a UK bank with our passports and open a new account, presumably?