I've searched the site and can't seem to find this question logged before, but I'm a newbie so please excuse me if this has been asked before.
I've had a SIPP for a number of years now and having accumulated a not insignificant balance and being aware of the hidden charges recently decided to transfer my account to Fidelity Investments. I have now been made aware by them (they didn't ask when I transferred) that they don't accept US persons (discriminatory or what!).
Now faced with the prospect of transferring again, I'm looking to compile a list of all SIPP platforms that will accept US persons - useful not only for me, but for any others with the same predicament.
I know it's a minefield from a tax perspective and I'm aware of the many differing views especially when it comes to tax filing season
. Hopefully the planned introduction of a SIPP by Vanguard later will be fully compliant from both an HMRC and IRS perspective.
In the meantime, can anybody help with names of SIPP platforms that will accept US persons?