I haven’t posted on here for ages but have a few questions that are causing our family an enormous amount of stress at the moment.
To cut a long story short, my in-laws are both retired and living in the UK. My father-in-law, a US citizen, passed away suddenly a month ago. My mother-in-law (a dual UK/US citizen) needs to be able to transfer my father-in-laws assets (primarily his 401k) into her name so she can manage the funds, because she relies on these funds for her retirement. The 401k is with Fidelity, and they have frozen the funds for anything upto 9 months!
We thought this would be a relatively simple task as one would assume this happens regularly (a spouse passing away and the assets getting transferred to the surviving widow/widower).
I’m hoping somebody on here can help. We have contacted Fidelity and not got anywhere. We have also contacted a US Tax person here in the UK who can’t help, aswell as a CPA in the US who also can’t help!
I’m pretty sure it’s an Estate Tax related issue and we need to fill out an Estate Tax return (amongst other forms), but could do with some guidance from somebody who has gone through this or somebody in the know.
Any help is hugely appreciated.