Regarding eating out - my father had a stroke a few years ago. I take him out for dinner once a week.
I am not as anti-dining out as some.
I am working on a theory that actually home cooking is bad for the environment. Economies of scale and such.
Is having every household travel individually to the supermarket in a car, transport the stuff back, store it in a refrigerator, own a big gas or electric heavy-use item to cook it, and dedicate a largish room solely for food purposes sensible? No it is not.
My answer? Ready meals and British Restaurants*!
Because food can be prepared much more cost effectively large-scale. Delivery of the ready meals would reduce supermarket trips, and you would just need a toaster oven or microwave to prepare. That and a small refrigerator. The kitchen would thus become a small utility area! Easily cleaned, while reducing the footprint of homes!
Restaurants along the lines of the British Restaurant model mentioned above would allow for cheaply dining out more frequently! I think these ideas would also not only free up time for harried people, but also do a better job with nutrician than millions of people doing it individually, guided by advertising and ignorance.
If you are a cooking hobbyist you could do it the old way.