Howdy folks!
It's been a while since i have posted, but that was due to myself and my fiance legally getting married in the States!

So, so far, thank you all for your advice and to head down the Spouse visa route. Now the hard work begins!
She is currently getting her passport changed to get her name changed to mine, whilst I am gathering my end of things:
1. Payslips with letter from employer
2. Bank statements with verification from bank
3. Letting agreement and letter from landlord.
edit: I brought over all the previous letters she sent me, as well as all my aeroplane tickets, apart from the one i was on the trip for.
I am also going to be sending our call records from Facetime. Apple doesn't easily let you send export your call history, so I had to use a third party application.
I can either:
1. Print the example screenshot - it will show my iphone and maybe a bit more real?
2. Or export the records as csv - cleaner
Here is an example below. Do you think having screenshots of this will be fine? (I have just blacked out my contacts, her name and mobile number for this example)