I get where you are coming from, I really do. But they really should just follow the correct process instead of going to the media. I absolutely feel for them that their blessing isn't going to happen the way they wanted it too. Everyone should be able to have the party they want. And I make no secret that I HATE UKVI.
I also have no doubts that this couple will give more to the UK than they take.
That being said, it all boils down to ticking the boxes and getting the legal side of things taken care of to not jeopardize a future in the country you want to live in. None of us like the legal constraints of UKVI. But missing a blessing is nothing compared to the people who have kids separated from their parents due to UKVI requiring us to tick boxes. I'm not saying kids should be an exception in having to follow the rules. But it sure is harsh.
No, it's fine - we're on the same page.
It's just idealism vs. reality.
Personally, a world where a couple who love each other have to scale such bureaucratic obstacles just to be together and enjoy their special day together, to me, is a sign of a world that's gone very wrong somewhere along the line. I can't help but sympathise.
But, it is what it is and it's not going to change anytime soon. As such, the only wise, pragmatic course of action is to understand and comply with the process and rules that have been put in place.
I read the poster's comments laying out their plans in the non-priority thread the other week, and, just like everybody else, I was thinking 'blimey, this is just bonkers! You've both gone mad'. I would never try anything like that, personally. But that didn't stop me from rooting for them both.
I guess that's where I am on this.