I agree with you that the whole thing was poorly planned.
Personally, I would never have tried to do anything like she did. It was just foolish.
But I still think the ultimate intention was perfectly understandable, so I sympathise.
Also, it seems like she wasn't notified that her visa was rejected, which, if that is the case, isn't very fair either. Those two months could have been used to apply for a visit visa to the UK.
I do agree that if they truly weren't notified, that's unfortunate and I do sympathise with anybody needing to jump through these hurdles to be with the person they love. I do think though that even if they weren't notified, that party shouldn't have been planned. They should have waited to make all those arrangements until they'd heard news because, unfortunately, an approval is never guaranteed.
I think the reason it bothered me was more that it didn't come across like they were taking any responsibility for their poor planning so that is where it becomes hard for me to show my sympathy. And when I realised it was somebody who posted here who was told this was too risky and they did it anyways and were shocked, that just made it even harder.
I'm sure I sound like a total jerk with no empathy, but I promise you that's not the case. I just feel like adults need to take ownership of their responsibilities and I just didn't feel that was happening here.