I'm flying 1 way to the UK on 4 Sept. I've lived in Louisiana my entire life, I've had a license here since I could drive and I've always had my own car. I recently handed over my car to my dad via "power of attorney" and he's going to sell it to my uncle in my absence. My mom pays my insurance on the car, so once I move the car/insurance are in good hands, and not mine anymore. (My parents are great!)
My licence is valid until 2021. However, it has my current address on it. I live with my aunt, so when I move the address will still be there, it's not like an apartment or something that will go vacant or be lived in by someone else. So, the address is still valid. Do I need to call the DMV and tell them my new UK Address or do I just leave it alone? I never changed my last name when I got married or did any of that, so I never contacted them with that either. The Clerk of Court said I only needed to contact the DMV regarding my marriage in the event of a name change.
If my licence can be renewed online that would be great, because then I could renew it online and use it when I come visit. However, I've seen a few people on this thread that said it depends on the state-if you don't live there for a certain period of time the licence automatically becomes invalid. I do plan on calling the DMV to ask them that, but I'm just concerned if they'll need my new UK Address on record, or if it doesn't matter since I won't be a resident of Louisiana anymore.
Sorry for the lengthy post, I wasn't really sure how to ask this question clearly.