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Topic: Desperate Housewives  (Read 28083 times)

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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #165 on: June 02, 2005, 12:59:35 PM »


Is anyone else hoping they knock off that annoying, psycho Zach?  He's just like his mother!

I feel for Bree, especially as it was psycho George who killed her husband.

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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #166 on: June 02, 2005, 01:04:36 PM »
Don't think it's gonna happen, expat.  I suspect that we'll find out that Zach is Mike's son, so he'll be around for a while.

It will be interesting to see if they continue to have Mary Alice narrate next season considering that her 'secret' has been outted.
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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #167 on: June 02, 2005, 01:06:55 PM »
Im sure its gonna come out that Mike is Zak's father. I really expected the episode to end a bit differently like when Mike went into the house and we just hear a gunshot. Then we would really wonder ....

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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #168 on: June 02, 2005, 01:12:26 PM »
Yeah, I thought she was gonna freak out and throw the silverware all over the place.

When she started crying, though, I started crying too. It sounded very pained.
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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #169 on: June 02, 2005, 09:31:50 PM »
Is anyone else hoping they knock off that annoying, psycho Zach?  He's just like his mother!

yes, me, can't stand that creepy looking kid (excellent casting however) did you read he just got busted for possession of pot?!

LOVED Bree last night- she really is a good actress. Cannot wait for the next series, but I should be in the US by then so goodness knows what stage I will catch it at

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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #170 on: June 03, 2005, 07:47:38 AM »
I agree about the gunshot...I was expecting one at the end. But, Mike's son? I *never* saw that coming!

I think they're going to end Mary Alice and start something centralizing around the Alfrie Woodard character's household.

As for Bree, I think she's going to jail for her husband's murder. Too many circumstantial things are building up around her, such as her stalling before she took him to the hospital (what we all know is just 'her way' but to any outsider it would be very incriminating...and probably why they had her daughter get so upset by it). And Bree had motive (though slightly self-centered). I know she's a main character, and the real-life publicity surrounding the cast is just too juicy to put a wedge in...but I really don't think they're going to turn the whole next season into "Bree's Trial".

Going to be interesting to see Lynette go back to work and have her husband stay home! Great move!

Yeah, the Zach character really grates on me; always has. I've never been a fan of Edie, either. I guess because her role just always seems to be to bugger things up. But I think she'll be a constant thread throughout since she's the one buying and selling the houses (the conduit to new storylines).

Anyone else feel the final episode was probably one of the best tie-ups ever? For me it answered all the questions in a very logical manner, yet wasn't overstuffed with information that you feel like they tried to get everything in within the time frame. It just sorta flowed...and it just sorta really all made sense! (I think what I am comparing it to are all the Hollywood films that keep you in suspense all the way through and then suddenly at the end you find out an alien did it...as if to admit "uh, we really didn't know how this was going to wind up.")

I also love how fast-paced it is. But, the downside...I missed a chunk. Why was Mike shot in the stomach on Valentine's Day?

Anyway...superb show!

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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #171 on: June 03, 2005, 08:50:50 AM »
I agree, Lisa. It's a great show, and it sucks to have to wait until "early next year" to see more.

Regarding Mike's gunshot wound on the Valentine's date: The dying father of the former junkie whom Mary Alice stabbed had received some inaccurate info about a residence where there might be some clues about her disappearance. Mike picked the lock/broke into the house (it appeared that no one was home), went through paperwork in the downstairs rooms, found nothing, then went upstairs. When he pushed open a door that was slightly ajar, he was face to face with a scared old man aiming a gun at him. Mike said, "No, please, you don't understand...," but the man shot him in the abdomen anyway and continued firing at him as he half-ran, half-staggered out of the house. The ex-junkie’s father arranged for a doctor to treat Mike at home, because hospital staff have to report all gunshot wounds to the police. The doctor removed the bullet but said Mike's injury was severe enough (he’d lost a lot of blood) that he really should go to the hospital, which Mike obviously didn't want to do for lack of an explanation for the wound.

Regarding Susan: In a conversation the day before he was shot, Mike told her he wanted to have children with her. It caught her off-guard and she didn’t respond one way or another. So she agonized about it all the next day (the day Mike was shot) and into the evening (while the doctor was at his house), and decided she needed to clear the air with him. (She felt that she’d barely managed to raise the one kid she’d had, and that she couldn’t see having any more children at this stage in her life).

She agonized about it nonstop, feeling she had just barely managed to raise her daughter, and didn't want to start all over again. After all her typical internal conflict, she called Mike while the doctor was still there treat his wound. Mike didn’t answer the phone, even after the answering machine picked up, but in her message she said she knew he was ome because his lights were on, etc., and that she was coming right over. So he grabbed the phone, told her he was really tired and not feeling well, but that they’d talk everything over during their Valentine’s date (the next night). The doctor overheard him and told him he shouldn’t be going anywhere for a while, that he needed bed rest, but Mike told him that he owed it to her to take her out for Valentine’s, and that she’d be really suspicious if he canceled out at the last minute.

Sooo... when they went out to dinner, she jumped right into rambling on about how much she loved him, but how she didn't want to have any more kids, etc. In the meantime, Mike's stitches ruptured and he started bleeding through his shirt (he was wearing a jacket and the wound was low enough it was below the tabletop, so Susan didn’t notice). He started bleeding more and more as she continued talking, and he wasn’t talking other than to through in a very occasional “Mmm-hmm,” and she mistook his silence for his being pissed off. Anyway, he was on the verge of passing out, so he finally abruptly stood up, said that he was sorry but that he had to go, and started to walk out of the restaurant. Susan thought he was leaving because he was so pissed off, and started yelling after him that they could work it out, that he knew how quickly she typically caved in, etc. He passed out, falling on his back on the restaurant floor, at which point his jacket fell open and she saw big bloodstain, yelled out for someone to call 911, etc..

In the next scene, she was sitting in a chair right outside his hospital room and overheard a nurse and technician who were leaving his room sarcastically joking with each other along the lines of: "Does he really expect anyone to believe he got that wound while cleaning his gun? Come on!" So Susan, obviously, was anxious, confused, suspicious, etc. When she went in to see him, he told her he’d shot himself while cleaning his gun, but was too embarrassed/had too much stupid pride to tell anyone, etc. He also said he’d heard everything she’d said at dinner, and although he wanted children, he loved her and would rather not have kids than risk losing her. So she told him she’d let him rest and lfet the room, resuming her “vigil” outside his room, as a couple of police officers went in to question him—a mandatory follow-up for gunshot wounds.

Then Mary Alice's voice came in—as there were shots of all the wives, awake and worrying about something or another—concluding the episode be talking about how important trust is, and how hard it is to restore once it’s lost, and so on.

I'm still wondering how the hell Mrs. Huber knew that Mary Alice murdered the ex-junkie. Even her sister, who worked with Mary Alice/Angela, didn't catch on to the full story until after she'd read Mrs. Huber's diary....

Next season, Bree will no doubt go on trial, especially given Rex's doctor's suspicions about her, that final note Rex wrote her, etc., but I can't imagine the pharmacist letting Bree take the fall. Also, what happened to son Andrew in the last two episodes?

Also, a few episodes back, Tom told his dad (Ryan O'Neal) that he'd done something that would cause Lynette to leave him were she ever to find out about it--he confessed it after she'd threatened him that she'd leave him if he ever cheated on her the way his dad cheated on his mom. I wonder if they'll go anywhere with that.

P.S. I've edited this post considerably because I was partially braindead with exhaustion when I originally wrote it. Sorry about that.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2005, 07:05:28 AM by Suzanne »

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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #172 on: June 03, 2005, 08:00:27 PM »
Ah, right...understand the gunshot wound now. Thanks!

About the son...Bree and husband intervened and sent him to a camp for dysfunctional kids. This was after his hit-and-run died and he showed no remorse except to be really nasty to Bree.

I don't know about Tom's dad and the secret; I missed that one.
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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #173 on: June 03, 2005, 08:29:40 PM »
Lynette deserves what she gets - whingy, controlling cow.  4 kids - 3 of them school age, massive house and SAHM and she needs a nanny??  Then goes and balls up her husband's chance for promotion?  I'd have quit and made her a** go back to work, too.

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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #174 on: June 03, 2005, 08:46:23 PM »
the Mike baby thing I saw coming a mile away and of course when the rating start to waiver we'll get the "gabrielle baby crisis"
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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #175 on: June 04, 2005, 09:47:10 AM »
What I'M still wondering is how the hell Mrs. Huber knew about Mary Alice murdering the ex-junkie? Even her sister, who worked with Mary Alice/Angela, didn't catch on to the full story until after she'd read Mrs. Huber's diary...

I don't think she did. I think she only knew about the baby being stolen and Mary Alice maybe thought she knew it all and that's why she committed suicide which then brought it all out through Paul and Zach's paranoia. I think Felicia caught on that Zach was Dana and just figured that something must have happened to the birth mother and then when Mike came sniffing around because of a dead friend, she just figured.

They should have explained this part of the plot better cause it's a bit iffy.
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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #176 on: June 04, 2005, 10:48:08 PM »
Who's this new family that's moved in I am thinking they are undercover cops or something??

my next season predictions are:

 Lynette will go back to work and then have an affair (or be nearly seduced by it in order to turn the tables)

 Brie will be accused of Murder and the pharmacist guy will blackmail her to either get with her or something along those lines.

 either Mike comes in and to protect him what's her name gets shot or Edie does bursting back into the house to tell what's her name off for telling her to piss off earlier. Worse case scenario Zach shoots what's her name daughter trying to find where her mom is or something.

Gabrielle starts liking the idea of being a mom only to either lose the baby or going through some custody battle with hubby

I need to start paying attention to character names really... :-[
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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #177 on: June 05, 2005, 11:03:17 AM »

Andrew (not my Andrew :)--Bree's sociopathic son) has been out of the "juvenile delinquent school" for several episodes now. While he was there, he told his parents he thought he might be gay. Before that, in what led to a big plot twist, John's roommate had persuaded Carlos (Mr. Solis) to hire him to do the gardening, since John had been dismissed (the implication to the viewers being that, because he knew John had slept with Gabrielle, he thought if he worked for them, he might have a shot at her, too). He latered basically threatened to tell Carlos about her and John unless she slept with him. She said she was going to tell John he was trying to blackmail her and see what John had to say about it. The roommate then confessed that the real reason he wanted to sleep with her was because he was "afraid" he was gay--that he'd fooled around with a male friend of his and at first didn't think it meant anything, but was now starting to have feelings for him. So he thought he'd find out for sure whether he was gay or not if he slept with Gabrielle. Anyway, she listened sympathetically; told him that, if he was gay, there was no shame in it; said she wouldn't sleep with him but would be his friend; and started to leave. Then she turned around; gave him a long, passionate kiss; asked him if he felt anything/if the kiss did anything for him; he shook his head and said no; and she nodded in confirmation and said, "Gay" (very confident, that Gabrielle). :)

Fast forward an episode or two: Zach was having a pool party while his dad was out of town, and Susan (after Zach's previous threatening outburst with her when she wouldn't let him see her daughter) had forbidden her daughter from going to it. That night, two detectives showed up on Susan's doorstep and asked her to go to the police station with them so they could question her about Mike (regarding what she knew about him, in light of Mrs. Huber's bracelet being found in his garage and of the gunshot wound). While she was at the station, they showed her the file they had on him, which revealed that he'd been a heroin dealer, had served eight years in jail for killing a cop/manslaughter, etc. She broke up with him at the end of that episode, as a result.) Anyway, before that, when she got home from the police station, her daughter wasn't there, so she stormed over to Zach's to look for her. [Her daughter had gone to the party earlier, but hadn't stayed for long. She had been sitting with Zach, and Andrew and his friends briefly took the piss out of Zach for being uncool. When Andrew turned away, Zach cocked his fingers as if they were a gun, started laughing and told Susan's daughter how easy it would be to kill Zach, that he knew where the gun his mom used to kill herself was, etc. Susan's daughter told him she didn't think that was funny--he said Andrew deserved it, she finally realized his elevator didn't go to the top floor, and she angrily left the party. She saw Bree's heartbroken daughter in front of Zach's house--John, the gardener, had just told her that he was seeing someone else and wasn't interested in her (she had been prepared to sleep with/lose her virginity to him to get his love, but Bree had found out and asked John to firmly tell her he wasn't interested). After all, John does love "Mrs. Solis"--I think it's very funny that, even after they've had an affair, he might be the father of her child, etc., he still calls her "Mrs. Solis," rather than her first name, as if she's his teacher--which I suppose she has been, in a way). :) Anyway, Susan's daughter and Bree's daughter went for a walk, to talk things out, which is why she still wasn't home when Susan got back.]

Back to Susan: the party had more or less ended when she went looking for her daughter, and when she went to the back of the house, she spotted swimming trunks on the concrete next to the pool, as well as two people in a corner nook of the pool. She thought one was her daughter, and called out for her to get out of the pool. The two figures both ducked underwater, and Susan waited, since they had to come up for air sooner or later. So first John's roommate surfaced, gasping for air. Then she accused him of fooling around with her daughter (the person still underwater), at which point Andrew surfaced, gasping for air. Susan was stunned, apologetic; Andrew started saying it wasn't what she thought, etc.--awkwardness all the way around. It's entirely too easy to get offtrack here with all the interweaving plot lines. Back to Andrew in a minute.

Anyway, Carlos is in even deeper sh-t now than he was to begin with because John's roommate is the second gay guy Carlos has beaten up after mistakenly thinking he was sleeping with his wife--the first was the cable guy, whom he attacked in the first or second episode. So from outward appearances, Carlos seems to be committing hate crimes--beating people up because they're gay--and hate crimes carry much heavier penalties.

Anyway, back to Andrew: As you might expect, Bree completely freaked out when Andrew said he thought he might be gay (even though, as they were leaving the disciplinary school, she hugged him and "thoughtfully" said, "I'd love you even if you murdered someone"). Once he was home, she blindsided him by inviting the family minister over to dinner, to have a "talk" with him. As the conversation turned to sexual preferences, Andrew said he was gay, period; he wasn't confused; there was nothing to talk about; and so on. (The dinner was a disaster--and when Rex defended Andrew over dinner, Bree blurted out that Rex had kinky S & M preferences, that she went along with them, and that was probably why Andrew was screwed up.) 

Later that night, Bree was up late, browsing through Andrew's baby pictures, when he came downstairs to make a sandwich. He sat down next to her, and she told him that when she was giving birth to him, there were some serious complications (she had almost died), but she had told the doctor throughout that she didn't care what happened to her; she just wanted the baby to be okay. She told him she would have died for him then and would still do so, but she was terrified that she couldn't help him now. When he asked why, she tearfully said she was afraid he was going to go to hell (it was quite clear in the Bible that homosexuality was a mortal sin, etc.).

The next day, he dropped by the minister's office and said he wanted to talk. He asked him if everything he said would remain confidential. The minister assured him that it would, and he told the minister he was there only to appease his mother. He also said he'd made his being gay up--that he'd only said he was gay to get his parents to take him out of the school. They talked in metaphors about preferring vanilla ice cream to chocolate ice cream, and Andrew said that he had tried one, then tried another, and just because he hadn't just stuck to one didn't mean he preferred the other.... :) Anyway, vengeful little SOB who he is, he told the minister that his mother telling him she thought he was going to go to hell had been his last straw with her. He said he was going to play the perfect son from then on: always being loving, courteous, polite, and helpful around the house; regularly going to church; not getting into any more trouble--the works. Then, when she absolutely least expected it, he was going to do something so out of the blue and horrific that it would destroy her to the core. (At the end-of-show wrapup, Bree's family was shown leaving church, with the minister greeting the congregation members as they left the building. Bree, Rex and the daughter all said hello as they walked by him, and Andrew was the last of the family to walk by. As he did he said, "Great sermon" or "Keep up the good work"--something like that--and gave the minister an evil smirk. (The minister looked appropriately troubled, but he can't say anything.)

Anyway, that's what made me wonder why Andrew wasn't in the last two or three episodes. I suspect that he's going to get his revenge on his mother by lying about how she treated his father/making her look guiltier than she already does (there's no way she'd strike back by telling the police that he ran over Mama Solis--she's too protective of him, and he knows it).

I don't think George will blackmail her--I suspect he'll try to insinuate his way back into her life again by being a loyal friend when her own children doubt her. (He'll probably set someone else up instead--Andrew, perhaps?--and, with any luck--in his mind, anyway--he'll get the girl in the end, after proving his steadfastness throughout). Just speculation.

You never know: maybe Rex (even though he's not a desperate housewife) will be the Mary Alice voiceover replacement for the second season, since solving the mystery around his death is obviously going to play a big role in next season's storyline(s). Again, just speculation.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2005, 05:02:04 PM by Suzanne »

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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #178 on: June 05, 2005, 11:59:56 AM »
I don't think the Mary Alice Voice over will go away ..sorry. She's become a fixture to the whole experience like the mailboxes and picket fences ...think of this Mrs Huber would have taken over for her long before Rex did if that was the case.

For Brie ...I think both her son and daughter would testify against her. Remember Rex was having the heart attack sitting at the bottom of the stairs and their daughter found Brie making the bed.

As for Tom ...his dad was having affairs while he was married and Tom's mom looked the other way about them. When his Dad was staying with them Lynette caught Tom's Dad having a trist on their couch and she threw him out. So Tom is worried about Lynette's reaction to his "secret"
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Re: Desperate Housewives
« Reply #179 on: June 05, 2005, 03:54:18 PM »
Lynette was my favourite housewife....at the beginning. I hate what they've done with her character though. I find it hard to sympathise with her at all and consider her Lady Macbeth movements to be appalling. I was kindof hoping Tom would walk out on her. :P I do hope they'll turn her character around next season.
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