For those who have been living in the UK for some time now, have you changed the way you say tomato or basil? When you're ordering food at a restaurant how do you pronounce them?
I feel like a sore thumb when I say toe-may-toe. And I feel like a poser when I sat toe-mah-toe. Either way I know I'm gonna get a strange look.
Can't win for losing!
Always to-may-to, always bay-sil. Luckily we live in a fairly tourist-heavy area, so most people are unphased by the pronunciation. In more rural areas less affected by the tourist hoardes, I find its more of a conversation starter and people are often just interested in "Where are you from? Why on EARTH did you move here?" etc.
My co-workers make fun of me for the pronunciation, but they're just jerks.
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