Jacky, you posted right after I posted about giving notice in one district and living in another. I think I made it clear from my other post that I do not know where the district divisions are, and therefore there is no way for me to know whether Clevedon and Weston-Super-Mare are in the same district. I don't know why you would have even mentioned your experience if they are in the same district, since I specifically mentioned living in and giving notice in two separate districts. Of course,
if they are in the same district then you told the truth when you told the register that you had been living in the district. But how am I supposed to know that they are in the same district?
If you don't want to be misconstrued, express yourself clearly.
They're going to have to change the rules about getting married in the district where you live if the district where you live doesn't accept notice from immigrants.
The following post was posted immediately after the above post.
Well when we got married (1999), we went down to the registry office in Clevedon and they said - and I quote "you can't get married in Clevedon - we don't do Americans". So we had to get married in Weston-super-Mare - who do Americans
Sorry . . . I thought you meant that you weren't able to give notice in the district where you lived,
I didn't know there were main districts and sub-districts. That's what I am looking for, a clarification (a map, perhaps?) of the districts and any divisions of them.
Later: I was embarrassed to admit that I didn't know where Clevedon or Weston-Super-Mare are, so I did a google search and found that Clevedon has a population of about 23,000, Weston-Super-Mare, about 32,500. You really shoudn't expect someone who does not live in the area to know where these small towns are.