I'm not sure how much it affected me, to be honest. I am a warm-fuzzy-nostalgic person by nature, ruled by my heart for family history and lore, but grandparents don't really fall into my memories like that often. I don't have ill feelings, I just don't think there is too much influence over my life. Well.... Maybe not, actually.....
My Nana (Dad's Mom) was a classically trained pianist who could have gone really far. But she had to give it up in those days to have a family. I think she felt really sad about that (amongst other things and she had a tough life and suffered a lot of depression). But she engrained a love of music into us that runs very deep. Not through her directly to us, really, but through my Dad.
Also, my Grandfather on my Mom's side was born in West Lothian and moved to the US when he was 11. He had a mild Scottish accent that popped out strong when he drank whisky (which was often). His house was filled with books and books on Scotland. He told all kinds of stories (he was a narcissist), but some of these really got into me and into my cousins . My Mom's cousins of course all had Scottish parents too so a love of Scotland trickled all through my family.
Hmmm............ Interesting.......