I love puns. Especially when I accidentally say one and everybody groans before I even noticed what I did. Fun times!
On the subject of sarcasm, yesterday a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses visited me. I'd talked with the man before (out of curiosity about them, I'm not looking to find my religion), and he said he'd like to come back again with his wife, I indicated that would be okay, and yesterday they showed up.
Anyway, I had a chat with them and at some point asked what their population was in he UK, and he quoted a figure of about 1 in 400. I quickly did the maths and said, "0.25%? That's lower than Atheists in Arkansas! Are you generally well received...?" (I wasn't very popular back home, so I wanted to see how it compared to here.) They said, "Most people are polite." I said, "British polite, or actually polite?"
They smiled at that and admitted "British polite," and one of them mentioned sarcasm. They're both British and weren't offended or confused by my question. I actually think I like them. Fringe are friends!