Hello all! I've been silent for a while as my family was here/wedding/etc.
I've been throwing out applications like crazy. So far 2 rejections but that's okay, I figured that. I just gotta push through until one bites. I finally secured some volunteer work at the local Art & History museum but it's in December. Volunteer work would help my CV, so I was hoping to get some volunteer work sooner (I still might) but this works for now.
I'm not desperate for income yet, as my savings is still pretty good. However, I'm becoming desperate for something to do during the day. I've not only been applying for big girl jobs but also a the local bookshop and I plan on applying at the Costa down the road (They're hiring) and some seasonal work just to get some income/something to do.
I'm just happy I was able to get some volunteer work at all. Swindon has literally nothing for historians!! I made a couple contacts though and that always helps.