In my line of work, I talk to a wide variety of people. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if I was Australian! I’m from the western US, and most recently Denver.....I have the accent of a news broadcaster! Australian? Seriously?!
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I work with the public in Central Scotland. I get asked EVERY DAY where I am from. I always say, "I was born and raised in Florida but I moved here from North Carolina."
I've been asked if I was from Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
I can explain the Canada thing. They ask Canadian first because they've learned Canadians get upset if they are mistaken for Americans but Americans don't get upset if they are asked if they are Canadian.
Being mistaken for Australian and New Zealander though throws me off.
The American tourists no longer recognize my accent as American. I use a lot of Scottish slang.
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