I apologize for starting a new thread but I'm going crazy sifting through everyone's threads trying to find answers to my last minute questions. I want to keep my thoughts all in one place as I prepare to send off the application in less than two weeks! So I have two things I would like to get proofed listed below. One regarding my SO's landlord letter and the second is about the contents letter I wrote. I also had the landlord's letter in another thread so no need to answer it twice if you've already applied. But I would appreciate opinions on both!
Question 1:
I wrote out an example letter for my SO's landlord to sign which included (what I consider to be) pertinent information such as the address, apartment size, date of move in, confirmation of him being up-to-date on rent payments, permission for me to live there, and confirmation that my stay there will not infringe upon the Housing Overcrowding Act. She declined to sign the letter I wrote saying she has done this a million times before and prefers to use a stock letter she already has on file. I had my SO send it to me today and I think it's far too vague. I have the letter below. It is on her company letterhead and has a wet signature. If he provides this letter along with his lease (which specifies the apartment size) and council tax statement will this be enough? Or should the landlord's letter include more information?
"Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: (his address)
I write to advise that authorisation from the landlord of the above property has been given to allow Jaclyn {last name} to move into the above property alongside the current tenant, Alasdair {last name}. Alasdair has taken on the tenancy of this property since October 2018.
Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
{Landlord Signature}
[Landlord name]
job title
Question 2:
I wrote this contents letter. Is it missing anything or should anything be reworded or subtracted? The documents listed in blue are ones I am still gathering.
"To the Entry Clearance Officer,
Please find enclosed my application and supporting documents for a settlement visa to join my husband in the UK. I would like my visa vignette to start on 29 December 2018, as per my Intended Travel Date listed on the online application.
Please note, due to a discrepancy between the UKVI website which requests copies of documents only on US letter sized paper and the VFS Global website which specifies original documents only on A4 paper, I have provided two packets, one to satisfy the UKVI request and one to satisfy the VFS Global request. Please use whichever packet is required.
The following documents are included in this package:
Priority processing receipt
Return shipping label
Applicant’s content letter
Printed online application
VAF4a Appendix 2
IHS surcharge receipt
Stamped biometrics sheet
Current US passport
2-previous US passports
1-passport photo
Sponsor letter of support
Copy of sponsor’s UK passport photo page
Letter from sponsor’s employer
6-months wage slips
6-months bank statements
Original contract of employment
Current contract of employment
Current P60 tax form
Tenancy agreement
Landlord letter of permission
Council tax statement
Marriage certificate
Photos of applicant and sponsor together
Airline reservation confirmations
Email correspondence between applicant/sponsor
Google Hangouts messages between applicant/sponsor
Facebook Messenger video chat logs between applicant/sponsor
Birthday and other holiday cards between applicant/sponsor
Yours faithfully,
{My Signature}
[typed name]"