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Topic: Options  (Read 1096 times)

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« on: December 16, 2004, 05:42:32 PM »
The sad thing is that I know plenty of people have just packed up and gone to the UK and managed to stay and those of us who are trying to do things the right way are faced with so many obstacles.

Responses I have received range from it is impossible to you have a lot of options.  It is clear who I would LIKE to believe but I have to be a realist.

I guess maybe my best option is to wait until I am done with my Ph.D. to see if I can ge either a position at Uni or a Secondary school as a teacher.  Or I could apply for position in the private secotr in the area of communication and see if any company is willing to sponsor me.

Ughhhh...I see why people do it the wrong way...but I just cannot and will not do that... I will just explore more options...someone suggested the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme... maybe that's the key...

 :\\\'(  A bit discouraged but still hopeful,


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Re: Options
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2004, 12:42:58 AM »
Are you eligible for BUNAC?  heck it out, it's only for six months but it might get your foot in the door.  I know it's frustraing, especially when so many people go illegally and somehow get to stay, but I hope that my perserveerance will pay off.  Best of luck, keep looking!  HSMP is worth considering if you're eligible!


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