Okay, so
Amount 1: £1,554.27 x 12 it = £18,651.24
Amount 2 (total NHSP and NHS overtime: [b£]2817.41[/b] /6 x 12 = £5,634.82
Annual income based on last 6 months earning: £24,286.06
Does that look right?
So her fixed base salary (working 35 hours per week) each month is £1,554, which gives a fixed annual salary of £18,651?
I thought her salary was only £15,310.43? Which means her fixed monthly income on her payslip should be £1275.87.
And you said she had only earned £800 in total from NHSP in the last 12 months?
So where did the extra £8,000 come from to make it up to £24,286?
Because a couple of posts ago, I thought we worked out that she only earns about £19,600 per year (£18,809 NHS plus £800 NHSP).
I was expecting your numbers to be more like:
Fixed salary (base salary on her payslip before extra hours) = £1275.87 x 12 = £15,310.43
NHSP shifts and any extra NHS hours on top of the 35 hours fixed salary = £5,634.82
Total = £15,310 + £5,634.82 = £20,945.25