ok thank you, I'm sorry there is so many!
Passport copy - do I need to photocopy each page to show my travel to the US?
P60 - is this required, as I will only be showing bank statements from June - December?
Employers letter - My OH is applying for the VISA during the first week of January, as I get paid the 25th of each month (21st of dec with it being bank holidays), therefore I will need my December payslip certifying (as we receive them via email) So if I get my manager to write the letter on the 21st December, the day I will get paid, is this okay? is the employer letter subject to the 28 days rule? I leave for the US on the 29th, and there aren't many working days between payday and when I leave!
Marriage Certificate - We are marrying in the US on New years eve, we will receive the certificate the same day, and my OH will be applying a few days later when I have returned to the UK, should this cause any problems with him applying so close our marriage date?
Entering the US - I know marrying a US citizen in the US and then returning is permitted, but when asked my reason for my visit is this something I should tell them, or would simply visiting my Fiance be ok?
Landlord letter - what does this need to include? I have emails between myself and landlord, asking her permission to OH to live in the property once the VISA is granted, and she has amended the tenancy agreement so that he is a permitted resident.
form VAF4A Appendix 2
1.28 is your sponsor responsible for supporting anyone else financially, including any children listed below:
do I need to list my children here? They live with me, and I don't send them any money.
4.14 how much does your sponsor spend each month on living costs?
is this just rent and council tax? or does this include utilities, groceries etc?
4.15 is your sponsor responsible for anyone else's financial support?
same as above, do I list my children here? they live with me full time and I don't send them any money.
I'm sure I have some more I just can't think of them right now! I feel like I'm on top of everything, and then I come on here and I feel so unprepared!