I've been working on my SET(M) form online and it seems this is one of the differences with the paper form. I'm sure you saw that it makes you click to check that you will supply evidence of your monthly housing costs (and gives mortgage or tenancy agreement as an example) and also check that you understand you should provide evidence of council tax costs, but it says it's not needed but preferred. (Then on the summary/Check Your Answers screen it confusingly states, 'I confirm I will provide' for both evidence of monthly housing costs and council tax costs.)
Also, right above where you check those boxes it says it applies only if you're responsible for some of your housing costs. Our house is in my husband's name and not mine and our mortgage payments come out of his paycheck, so as I interpret that little phrase I don't have to supply those documents...but I plan to anyway, just in case!
Are you lucky enough to have an old PSC appointment or are you applying with the new UKVCAS system? If it's the new system, I'm interested in hearing how the appointment booking process and everything goes for you.
Also, under 'Documents' which is step 4 of the online application, these are listed separately:
- Evidence of council tax costs for the accommodation in the UK where you live or will live
- Evidence of monthly housing costs for the accommodation in the UK where you live or will live
So...I'm not sure if the documents they want are actually changing and they haven't updated the appendix yet or...??