Doing Christmas at mine with the in-laws over. (FIL seems excited, hahaha, maybe because he's the guest here and can eat and eat and eat and not have his hand slapped)
Though, having the in-laws, I have to be very British Traditional. The farthest I can stray is to have a goose. So I have ordered a free-range goose and turkey breasts (have to have turkey, sigh) , chipolatas and bacon from the butcher to pick up on the 23rd. Will have all the usual side things. Like all my veg roasted in said goose fat. Will pick sprouts from the allotment if I can (pretty sure I've got some purple ones ready). I like to roast my sprouts as well.
I'm going to attempt to make a Black Forrest Trifle (dairy free) for pudding.
Because we ate all our traditional food at Thanksgiving in my family, Christmas was all kinds of everything food. We spent Christmas Eve at various friend's houses with themed fancy dress parties galore (amazing food!!!) and spent Christmas Day over the years with my Dad's family, which was potluck and therefore, full of random things. My sister is having Christmas this year and I know my Mom will be bringing a prime rib and her scalloped potatoes, which are to die for.
I'm going to the Panto and a gastro pub with friends on the 24th, which should be a hoot.
Want to get some Chinese pancakes to make crispy goose pancakes on Boxing Day.
I want to make a traditional French Canadian meat pie at some point really soon as I have never had one, but my Facebook fills up with pictures of them at this time of year and they look yummy.