Hello everyone, I just had a few questions regarding filing for this tax year.
Firstly, from January to June 2018 I was employed in the states, I arrived in the UK on June 29th, 2018 on a Fiancee visa. I got married in August and havent been employed in the UK due to the visa restriction. I also just recently applied to get my name on my social security changed after my spousal got approved a few weeks ago. [and I finally got my passport back, yay!]
First question being, Do I need to fill out Form 2350 asking for an extension in order to pass the residency test eventhough I havent worked since I arrived? If so, second to that would be, does the 330 days of living here to pass the residency test start at when I arrived here on my fiancee visa, or when my spousal was granted? [Dec. 19th, 2018]
I have used TurboTax for the last 6 years and was hoping to use the program again, but found out I need to send off the paper copy to the states since my husband does not have a Social Security Number. It wont let continue if I dont put one in. Has anyone else had to send the paper copy to Austin,TX {I beleive), and which mail service should be used?
I was reading up on how you need a US bank account and need to pay by credit card for the service, and eventhough I do have a joint US savings account with my mum, and still have a US credit card open, they are both in my maiden name. Because of them being in my maiden name im worried that they will not process the return.
I was wondering if anyone knows if I could bypass that and use my Transferwise US Balance bank details and just have the money routed there? My transferwise account has my updated name, and would make it easy to convert the $ into £.
Sorry if that was long winded, I just don't want to screw this up.