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Topic: Jeremy Vine  (Read 13720 times)

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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2019, 01:07:12 PM »
I can't give a reasonable explanation of why I hate him, but I can almost guarantee that every. single. time. I listen to or watch his programme, he will say something that makes me rage, cringe or despair and wonder why he still has this job.  For example, I listened to his radio show yesterday for the first time in a wee while and do you know what his topic was?

If a company closes down (like the Honda factory in Swindon) or has mass redundancies, should the people who voted to leave Europe in the Brexit referendum be the first to lose their jobs, and should they put their hand up and volunteer to give up their jobs in favour of their colleagues who voted remain.

Really???  How are they going to enforce this?  How will they know which of their staff voted leave, and which voted remain?  Ridiculous.

Several years ago I remember he did a topic on the price of fuel and he asked listeners 'with fuel getting so expensive what will you do with your cars?'  And the examples he gave were stupid things like 'will you use it to store garden tools, or turn it into a greenhouse' etc.   I'm sure he was doing it in a tongue-in-cheek fashion but come on.  It was a serious matter which affects everyone,  and is hitting a lot of poorly-paid people really hard, so I think it was in questionable taste for him to be so flippant about it. 

And I feel like quite often, he isn't actually listening when his callers are speaking, because he often will ask them a question which they've already given the answer to.

He's just annoying.   Wish C5 could bring back Matthew Wright for the TV show.  :\\\'(

I will agree that many times the topics are kinda OTT. LOL! I think he likes being a bit sensational. I do like hearing the differing opinions from the people on the panel though. It just gives me a few perspectives to consider on the British subject matter that I don’t know quite enough about yet.

I never saw it with Matthew Wright. I’m not familiar with him. Still learning who all the British TV personalities and stars are! :)

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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2019, 02:18:48 PM »
So on the show, they were also asking if Brits should have to take a similar test and if they don’t pass, then they get their NHS benefits cut or some other penalty. I thought that idea was ludicrous. I mean, if you’re born here then you’re born here and you shouldn’t have to pay for a test to prove you’re British enough. LOL!

Wait I don't think this is entirely crazy. I generally take issue with access to privileges being controled by birth right because somebody's birth does not make them more or less deserving of anything. Also I think it's interesting that we still decide who's interests we care about protecting and who is more important to us based on arbitrary factors like birth coordinates. Aptitude and ability are in theory a much fairer measure.

I've been around Europe in various immigration systems since age 16 and I’m highly disenchanted with the "New World Order", and probably a bit jaded. So buckle up for the crazy armchair philosohpy that follows!  ;)

I am currently in the UK on a Tier 2 Visa and although I'm ardently training to be less inadequate so that I can extend at the experienced rate of pay. That being said, bottom line is that I'm still guilty of not earning enough nor being successful enough etc. Morally, I firmly believe that if inadequacy is my crime and my existence represents a threat to the well-being of British society, then there is no logical reason that my existence would be any less detrimental to US society. I don't think it's fair to saddle the people of the USA with the burden of my life simply because I was born there. To be honest, if we extrapolate this, my inadequacy and mediocre levels of success so far in my short life must generally pose a real wider threat to humanity and the human race as a whole. In light of this, I think the only truly fair and compassionate thing to do if I care about other people at all (which I do) would be to remove myself from society altogether or to try and be less inadequate - that is if my levels of achievement aren't caped through genetic predisposition (The classic nature vs. nurture argument). Any other course of action would be selfish and putting my own interests above those of the human race.
It all sounds a bit draconian, but I’m not coming at this from an authoritarian perspective, more of an altruistic, personal responsibility perspective. I hope I've been clear enough about my logic, even if people disagree. The alternative view point is that every human life is equally valuable, but I just haven't seen that view reflected in legislation or public opinion. I really fear it might be a fallacy fed to us to make us feel better. A sort of opiate of the masses if you will. Basic economics tells me that as supply increases the value drops, and as the population crisis becomes more and more evident, either everyone's life will decrease in value, OR we'll see harsher and harsher market devices being implemented, on people. This would include immigration policy.

I don't know... :) These are the desperate ramblings of a person who takes too many long train journeys and has taken too many philosophy courses at undergrad. Take it with a sprinkle of salt.  ;)

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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2019, 02:52:39 PM »
Wow Ashley, you fit right in with the tories. Not the thing to read on a day while struggling with PTSD and the latest "sorry we don't want to interview you" for a role I was 100% qualified for, but unfortunately American and disabled.

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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2019, 03:16:51 PM »
Wow Ashley, you fit right in with the tories. Not the thing to read on a day while struggling with PTSD and the latest "sorry we don't want to interview you" for a role I was 100% qualified for, but unfortunately American and disabled.

Margo, I'm sorry about your disappointing job search.

Having said that, I don't think AshleyM's post sounds Tory at all.  If anything, it's a reaction to the message from the Tories, unless I'm mistaken.  My read is that she views the minimum income requirement as suggesting that anybody earning less isn't pulling their own weight and are a drain/burden on society.  This is not necessarily her view.  This is the message she takes from the income requirement.  She takes the argument a step further, saying that if she's a burden on UK society with her current skillset and qualifications, then she should be a burden anywhere she goes. So her response is to increase her qualifications so she can meet the requirement and thus be deemed "worthy".  She's saying, 'If that's what the standard is for worthiness, then the least I can do is improve myself so I can carry my own weight.'  She acknowledges that she has right of abode in the US, so if she fails to meet the requirement here she could just go there, but that would be selfish (according to the Tory policies in place now), because she would still be a drain on society (just over there, as opposed to over there).  So instead she is working to meet the standard.

Meanwhile, the whole idea of nationality is an accident of birth, and she asks why should people born in one place automatically be more "worthy" than those born elsewhere, anyway?  Perhaps this notion that we are all equal is a lie, since this value is not reflected in policy.
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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2019, 03:25:21 PM »
My read is that she views the minimum income requirement as suggesting that anybody earning less isn't pulling their own weight and are a drain/burden on society.  This is not necessarily her view.  This is the message she takes from the income requirement.  She takes the argument a step further, saying that if she's a burden on UK society with her current skillset and qualifications, then she should be a burden anywhere she goes. So her response is to increase her qualifications so she can meet the requirement and thus be deemed "worthy".  She's saying, 'If that's what the standard is for worthiness, then the least I can do is improve myself so I can carry my own weight.'  She acknowledges that she has right of abode in the US, so if she fails to meet the requirement here she could just go there, but that would be selfish (according to the Tory policies in place now), because she would still be a drain on society (just over there, as opposed to over there).  So instead she is working to meet the standard.

Meanwhile, the whole idea of nationality is an accident of birth, and she asks why should people born in one place automatically be more "worthy" than those born elsewhere, anyway?  Perhaps this notion that we are all equal is a lie, since this value is not reflected in policy.

That's how I read it, too.

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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2019, 03:47:35 PM »
Wow Ashley, you fit right in with the tories. Not the thing to read on a day while struggling with PTSD and the latest "sorry we don't want to interview you" for a role I was 100% qualified for, but unfortunately American and disabled.

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Hi margo,

I'm sorry if my post hurt you at a bad time! To set the record straight I didn't mean it as supporting the current policies, more as holding a mirror up to the policies and what they really seem to be saying/arguing, and wondering if that really is the subjuctive truth. I really hope that you feel better soon and I'm sorry to hear about the "sorry we don't want to interview you" messages. :( They always, quite frankly, suck. Part of me (the more revolutionary "tea in the harbor" part) wants to just source a fake ID and start going by a different name, but that is of course, disorderly and "illegal"... ;) I wish you nothing but the best in your career search, honest to God. [smiley=smitten.gif] 

Anyways, back to the regularly scheduled programming about Jeremy Vine! :)

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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2019, 06:13:24 PM »
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' " Tommy, go away " ;
But it's " Thank you, Mister Atkins," when the band begins to play

Let a rich man's war start up and your value as a bullet stopper goes through the roof.
I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair. We are not beyond repair. We are never beyond repair. - AOC

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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2019, 03:23:40 PM »
How brilliant was Storm in JV's seat when he was on holiday a few weeks ago?!

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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2019, 05:58:36 PM »
How brilliant was Storm in JV's seat when he was on holiday a few weeks ago?!

I absolutely LOVED her!!! She’s much better than Anne Diamond and I like Ann Anne Diamond. Jeremy better watch out!!

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Re: Jeremy Vine
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2020, 01:32:19 PM »
I absolutely LOVED her!!! She’s much better than Anne Diamond and I like Ann Anne Diamond. Jeremy better watch out!!

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A great scenario would be Storm taking over JV's TV programme, and Amol Rajan taking over his BBC2 radio slot!

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