Here is what the man from our shipping told us...
"Here’s what our UK offices’ customs broker said… I think best bet is if you type a letter, explaining why you didn’t bring your items over within a year of arriving in UK, and include that with your TOR application. An actual person reviews your application and documents, and if they need any more info they reply to you on email. Want to give it a try and let us know what they come back with? Fingers crossed. Absolute worst comes to it, if you have to pay taxes you would set the value low used garage sale pricing, plus cost of shipping and insurance policy if any, and it works out to be about 20% of that CIF value.
It depends on the reason behind the delay in shipping the goods. We have had instances where HMRC have allowed an extension on the 12 month, and instances where they have denied it.
They usually are quite reasonable to be honest - it is definitely worth applying and submitting a letter of circumstances."
So it seem like submitting a TOR with a letter is the way to go from what they say. We are gonna try this route. Let everyone know how it goes is a couple/few weeks.