I have consumed. I wouldn't call it spicy, but it did have flavour. The texture was acceptable. Overall, I am not sorry. In fact, I will probably eat another one, as my husband is on the late shift today, so won't be home until half-seven, and that's a long time to wait for dinner.
What I did: The package directions say to microwave for 2 minutes if you're cooking all 4 in the packet. I was only cooking one, so I put it on a small plate and zapped it on high for 1 minute, flipped it over (to find it had split on the bottom side, which is a good sign for done-ness) and zapped it for another 30 seconds, just to be sure. Then I put it in a freshly-split Morrison's finger roll (fancy term for "hot dog bun") and rolled it up in a kitchen towel for half-a-minute to let the "juice" (grease) seep into the bun.

I tried a bite of just the hot dog (because it was so much longer than the bun!). Very little heat, so I don't know if the "spicy!" description is legal, but the flavour was acceptable. The texture, I think, was consistent with regular (not beef, and not premium) hot dogs that have been cooked in a microwave. It didn't displease me. I'm not sure if the texture is evident in the picture, but have a look: