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Topic: More financial help from the government under the new systems.  (Read 1992 times)

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Universal Credit is now rolled out across the country and this new system is tailored to a parents essential spending.
The calculator will not be accurate if you cannot have UK benefits or are a student.

Those parents who were earning too much for the Tax Credit benefit under the old benefit system, might find they can claim the replacement benefit called Universal Credit e.g. couldn't claim the old benefit called Tax Credits with 2 children as they had joint earnings of say 35k, they might find they can claim Universal Credit. Use the Universal Credit benefit calulator.
You can't backdate a Universal Credit claim: well you can for 1 month but ONLY if you can prove that both parents were unable to claim e.g. in hospital and didn't have access to a computer.

Those who are already claiming the welfare payment Tax Credit, might find they are better off claiming Universal Credit and can move themselves over to UC, instead of waiting to be moved to  UC. Use a calculator to check and then also visit the CAB to get one of their benefits advisors to do a benefits check for you just to be sure, because once you are moved onto the new system you cannot go back to claiming under the old benefit systems: UC requires parents to work, whereas the old system of Tax Credit, parents could chose to do as little work as they wanted to (read the first link). There is a 5 week wait for the Universal Credit money, but you can request an early payment, which you then repay over the next 12 months of your claim.

Those stuck in debt and wanting to sell their property they live in to clear the debts, will get help under this new benefit system, which they could not do under the old benefit system with the deprivation of capital rules.

For those in debt, the government has funded their own debt charity who can advise you of all the various options open to you and they will help you for free.
There is no need to pay one of the private companies to help you

As a rough guide, the welfare system is retruning to what it was intended for, being a temporary help for those in need, and is ending being the lifestyle choice that some have been targeting it for.  You should still do what we have always done: take out insurance for if you lose your job; insurance for if you get too sick to work and your employers sick payment policy is not that good; life assurance for financial help for those you leave behind: as these will likely pay more.  Some benefits are time limited.

Check what you could get with childcare under all the new(ish) childcare help, and see which will be the better option for you.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 10:30:19 AM by Sirius »

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Re: More financial help from the government under the new systems.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2019, 12:00:07 PM »
Thanks for posting that.  :)

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