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Topic: Welcome back; have some racism?  (Read 4367 times)

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Welcome back; have some racism?
« on: April 13, 2019, 02:02:45 PM »
I arrived in the US yesterday afternoon to visit my family for 2 weeks and have a much needed holiday.

Everything was great (Virgin Atlantic is my new fave airline, BTW) until I got to JFK.  I dutifully followed the signs to the queue for US citizens.  I joined the end of the queue, and the woman in front of me (white, 30-40s I would say) turned around, looked at me, and said, "Maybe your English isn't very good, but this is the line for US CITIZENS."   :o :o :o

I was so shocked by this random unexpected comment, I didn't respond right away.  But, bless her, this elderly grandmother-type lady behind me leaned in, shook her cane, and said, "There ARE Asian people who ARE US citizens, you know."   This was followed by a murmur of approval from everyone around us in the queue while I still stood there, still taken aback, holding up my US passport as silent proof of my eligibility to stand in that particular queue.

The woman in front of me (who had made the offensive comment) raised her hand to signal assistance from one of the airport staff members.  When one arrived to ask what the problem was, the woman said, "Where's the line for REAL American citizens?"  And I've got to give it to the airport staff member - she raised an eyebrow and then walked away without even entertaining the comment.

::)  Geez.  Some people.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 02:05:58 PM by Aquila »

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2019, 02:11:55 PM »
Omg I am literally fuming on your behalf! How disgusting! I am sorry you had to start your holiday off like that

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2019, 02:28:10 PM »

I can't believe that comment, but grateful everyone around you responded exactly the way I would have to put the woman in her place. Faith in humanity still in place but wow we have a lot of work to do. :(

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2019, 02:32:14 PM »
I'm sorry Aqula, that's just awful.

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2019, 02:35:07 PM »
That’s truly shocking Aquila.  I hope you can put it behind you and enjoy your holiday.

Karma will get her.  Of that, I am certain!

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2019, 02:39:52 PM »
Wow, and I mean WOW!!

What a welcome home. I hope you can forget about it enough to enjoy the rest of your holiday.
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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2019, 03:19:19 PM »
Thanks everyone.  I'm certainly not letting this awful woman get in the way of my holiday!  :D

It wasn't a great experience of course, but it wasn't anything that left me in tears either.  I was more surprised than anything else as it was so unexpected and completely from nowhere.  It wasn't like I had bumped into her or stepped on her foot or anything to elicit an aggressive or reactionary response.  I had literally just joined the end of the queue and standing there minding my own beeswax.

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2019, 04:12:35 PM »
Ah, the MAGA crowd.  There's a lot of them who have crawled out of the woodwork over there, I understand. Sorry that happened to you, but really glad granny waved her cane!

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2019, 05:04:47 PM »
Ah, the MAGA crowd.  There's a lot of them who have crawled out of the woodwork over there, I understand. Sorry that happened to you, but really glad granny waved her cane!

Firstly, Aquila, I am sorry that you got such a nasty “welcome” into the country and I’m glad you’re not letting it affect you and ruin your holiday. Good for you.

Nan D. I’ve put up with racism my ENTIRE life so racist people have ALWAYS been around. Hell, l have even had people who are from my own ethnic group calling me derogatory names for being a darker skinned Hispanic or that I am not Hispanic enough because I don’t speak Spanish as well as a native or “acting white” because I married a white Englishman. Never mind a whole lot of people from other races that are not white calling me crappy names and telling me to “go back to Mexico where you came from”. It’s just that now, you know what we go through.

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2019, 05:59:20 PM »
I personally am ashamed. That is NOT the America I know or want. Racism never went away sadly, but I thought that we were making progress. I’m embarrassed and angry that any thinking like that not only exists but seems to be even more prevalent. I’d like to do a dna test on that cow and see just where she came from!

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2019, 06:32:54 PM »

Nan D. I’ve put up with racism my ENTIRE life so racist people have ALWAYS been around. Hell, l have even had people who are from my own ethnic group calling me derogatory names for being a darker skinned Hispanic or that I am not Hispanic enough because I don’t speak Spanish as well as a native or “acting white” because I married a white Englishman. Never mind a whole lot of people from other races that are not white calling me crappy names and telling me to “go back to Mexico where you came from”. It’s just that now, you know what we go through.

This was my thought exactly. This isn’t something new because of the whole “MAGA” movement.. this is something that’s always existed but it’s only just now become so blatantly obvious and out there that it can no longer be hidden or overlooked

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2019, 07:50:44 PM »
I can imagine how you can't really even work up righteous indignation when the insult is sooo stupid.

My last trip home, I met a guy and became sort of friendly with him.  Then he mentioned that yesterday there were lots of "cockroaches" around. Took me 3 minutes to work out that he was talking about non white people.  WTF?  Since when was it OK to say that in public?

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2019, 07:59:49 PM »
I can imagine how you can't really even work up righteous indignation when the insult is sooo stupid.

My last trip home, I met a guy and became sort of friendly with him.  Then he mentioned that yesterday there were lots of "cockroaches" around. Took me 3 minutes to work out that he was talking about non white people.  WTF?  Since when was it OK to say that in public?

I’m not even sure I’d feel it was okay to say in private either! At least him saying it in public meant you could avoid him like the plague

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2019, 08:01:40 PM »
This was my thought exactly. This isn’t something new because of the whole “MAGA” movement.. this is something that’s always existed but it’s only just now become so blatantly obvious and out there that it can no longer be hidden or overlooked

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Heavens no, it's not new. It's always been there. But the MAGA are emboldening people who, prior to, would have thought it wasn't ok to say things like that. They find each other on the Internet, etc., and become a mindless pack. It's easier for them now, because they can associate with others of a similar mindset without being in public. And the more MAGA goes on, the more they feel that they are becoming the norm (because it's in the press again). And so they're not keeping it behind closed doors.

I grew up in the Jim Crow south, with the separate but equal. I used to watch people, and I remember it well.  And the restrictions as to who could buy property/live in what parts of towns. Separate entrances. Back of the bus - I remember all that. I wasn't allowed to sit in the back of the bus because "bad people" sat there. Who I could and could not play with. Who would be hired for which jobs. (It was pretty much understood who'd get the supervisory/management ones and who'd be doing the sweating.)  When "those damnyankee gummint people" forced my school to send my math teacher across town and bring an African-American teacher into my classroom to "integrate" us and the hell that broke out over that.  Things burning on lawns. People getting beat up. My best friend's mother was a product of the deep South. She used to speak of "neegras" and what their place was, and how shiftless most were but one or two you'd occasionally find could be good domestic workers, etc., etc., etc. And then there was the "meskins".  And "them damned Japs".  Jews... that was a whole 'nuther layer.  I was ok because I never mentioned I wasn't protestant Christian. (I did actually have some sense, back then, about keeping my mouth shut. 8)  My unfortunate coloration was excused because the ancestor responsible for it came from "the North of Ireland" which was assumed to be NI. And they're all God-fearing Protestants, you know.... yeah, I remember it.)  I remember many old people (they were old to me, at the time) and pretty much not-so-old people and  how they spoke of anyone who wasn't white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant. We were red-headed Irish Catholics, off the boat for the most part. We didn't get spared even when I lived in NY. We didn't get Jim Crowed, but we took heat. Not allowed to join golf clubs, social clubs, go to certain universities, couldn't get hired for good jobs, de-facto segregated into specific neighborhoods....Then JFK was president - he was "our" president -  and things really started to change. Of course, look what happened to him, and then his brother....

And then there was 1964-74 and so much seemed as if it really was changing. And, really, it was. Mainstream left all that crap, and there's no way to sugarcoat what it was/is, behind.  It seemed like for a good thirty years (until recently) it just wasn't acceptable except in the lowest dregs to be trotting all that nastiness out. It may still have been there (and I'd have been surprised if it wasn't!) but it wasn't brought into the light of day.  With this...stuff... going on now, it gives those dregs validation and they are definitely crawling out of their dark places. It's by no means mainstream. But it's so ugly and it's been so long since it's been on the sidewalk that it's a shock to see again. I have to wonder, what is so miserable in their lives that they'd turn to that?

When we were back in California I was in a shop to get some supplies for the Daughter's sewing machine. The lady there, when Brexit came up (and they all seemed to bring it up), started spewing hate about all those Eastern Europeans and Greeks just wanting handouts, and of course Brexit was justified because those leeches would otherwise destroy the country. I asked her if she'd ever visited in Europe and she'd never been out of California. Of course, her sister-in-law was German and filled her in on how they had to carry all those East-Germans who were used to "the commies" just giving them money and houses, once "the Wall" fell....

Ummmm. Wow. The longer she spoke, the angrier she became. And then it switched to "those people" sneaking across the USA border.  She was actually waving her arms in the air.  :o

I'd already paid and she was wrapping the stuff up or she would have lost a rather substantial sale.  [smiley=puke.gif]

I gotta say, though, that I've been able to look at it all popping back up everywhere in a more or less detatched way. Until we ran into the Orange parade.

You're a better person than I am, Aquila. I'd not have been able to keep my mouth shut if someone dumped that on me.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 08:39:09 PM by Nan D. »

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Re: Welcome back; have some racism?
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2019, 08:21:36 PM »
When we cruised between Florida and Panama last month we were fortunate that for the most part politics was never discussed ever except on a couple of occasions at dinner.  We were on "anytime dining" so sat with different groups of folks each night and the vast, vast majority were great people, delightful to be with, but we did come across 2 sets who spewed the usual Fox and Friends stuff. One couple from Texas said that folks near the border were pressured into leaving out food and water each day and even so, if the food they left out wasn't good enough then illegals would still throw rocks through their windows.

Another night we heard a different couple of Texans talking to a lady from Arizona about how all the illegals were streaming over the border and registering to vote illegally so it wouldn't be long before both their States would be "blue".

Dual USC/UKC living in the UK since May 2016

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