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I want her to die. I want Dany to die in the same way I wanted the other bastard Snow to die. I knew she went cray cray after Missandai died... But there was no reason to kill all of those people. She could have simply razed the keep. I'd have felt bad for the people in the keep... But it would have been acceptable. And all that green dragonfire from how many episodes ago exploding... That was a good detail to add in.

So depressing. You gotta wonder who Varys was contacting though...

Varys was very probably telling the Wildlings and the Greyjoy army that Jon was the true heir to the throne and anyone else who could be rustled up to support Jon.

By the way, how do you all feel this season has gone so far? There's that silly petition for them to 'remake season 8 with competent writers'. My thinking is everything is coming together nicely!

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I think this season has covered quite a lot in a short space of time.  I wanted Cersei's death to be a bit more ..... substantial (used that word so I don't sound like a sadist).

Everything, throughout all of the seasons, has indicted that Danny could go nuclear.  So that isn't a surprise, or out of character.

GoT isn't really into "happy endings" so it will be interesting to see what the last episode brings. 

As you say, everything is coming together nicely.

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I tried to stay  up and watch it at the 2am showing, but couldn't keep my eyes open.  Watched it this morning.  So glad that I didn't stay up. 

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I'm personally disappointed I woke up early to watch it! Wish I had gotten the extra sleep instead...
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The highlights for me were the dragon's reaction to Danny's death - even Drogon understood the throne was a bad thing, and then seeing Ghost (with one ear) at the end.

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I'm still crying! 

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Will follow this up later as just finished the episode but need to grocery shop but I don’t think it was the worst ending yet I didn’t feel fully satisfied...

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My, how time flies....

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'Mommy, Wow! I'm a legit Brit now!'

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I'm actually surprised at how much I liked it.  :)

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Will follow this up later as just finished the episode but need to grocery shop but I don’t think it was the worst ending yet I didn’t feel fully satisfied...

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I'm in the same boat. It wasn't bad, and there was some really nice writing in Tyrion's speaches, but it leaves you wanting.

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The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

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I'm wondering if I can get a pet dragon from the local pet store.

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Not horrible ending but left me feeling unsatisfied for sure. I feel bad for Jon. After what he did, they should make him king of something  :D
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My personal feeling about it is that it just left you back where the series started. Like a sort of 'the dust has settled' ending. It does leave you wanting more but I'm not hugely disappointed by it. I liked it. Everyone moaned about Bran getting the throne but really, it made sense. As for Jon, he's going to be King of the Wildlings. Tyrion knew full well sending him up to the Night's Watch that there was no Night's Watch left! haha

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They said there would be no happy endings.  I actually think everyone did get a happy ending. 

Jon's vows ended with his death so his watch ended then.  But, as you say, there is no Nights Watch.  Their job was to mantle wall which was keeping the bad guys out.  Once a big dragon came long and melted a big hole in it the Nights Watch didn't seem relevant anymore. 

Jon asking of the folk up there and seems to be off on an adventure looking for a place to settle.

Arya is off on her own adventure.

Sansa is Queen.

Bran is King.

Tyrion will be respected as Hand (and not executed by Danny or Greyworm, which helps for happiness)

Drogo the Dragon knew his mother was a nutter, acknowledged Jon as a Targaryen and didn't burn him for killing Danny (which, I think, was nice of him), and melted the Iron Throne, showing that he understood the Throne was the major problem.  He has flapped off to live as dragons do.

And, best of all, one eared Ghost was reunited with Jon.

So, happy endings all round.

I have heard whispers of a prequel, and spin offs.

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They said there would be no happy endings.  I actually think everyone did get a happy ending. 

Jon's vows ended with his death so his watch ended then.  But, as you say, there is no Nights Watch.  Their job was to mantle wall which was keeping the bad guys out.  Once a big dragon came long and melted a big hole in it the Nights Watch didn't seem relevant anymore. 

Jon asking of the folk up there and seems to be off on an adventure looking for a place to settle.

Arya is off on her own adventure.

Sansa is Queen.

Bran is King.

Tyrion will be respected as Hand (and not executed by Danny or Greyworm, which helps for happiness)

Drogo the Dragon knew his mother was a nutter, acknowledged Jon as a Targaryen and didn't burn him for killing Danny (which, I think, was nice of him), and melted the Iron Throne, showing that he understood the Throne was the major problem.  He has flapped off to live as dragons do.

And, best of all, one eared Ghost was reunited with Jon.

So, happy endings all round.

I have heard whispers of a prequel, and spin offs.

This is exactly the way I feel and why I liked the ending!  :)

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I can only apologise for exhibiting illiteracy tendencies in my post. I will use the, "four hours sleep rushing to go out" defence.

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