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I think Brienne has been set up to die - with her gaining her wish to be a knight.

Was literally thinking the same hahaha Was thinking "would make a great story of the first lady knight and if she's going to go out, might as well do it as a knight!" hahaha

No I think Bran will probably die from injuries AFTER they've killed the Night King (so presumably will stop him becoming a Whitewalker).

Do you reckon that the Night King could raise those buried in the crypyt?!?! Hadn't even crossed my mind but would make total sense now (as originally I was going to say I thought all those in the crypt might die but then thought...how would that happen??). If that's the case, I bet Tyrion actually manages to get out of the crypyt because he decides not to go in and to stay in battle or something but the rest of them in the crypt (including the little girl with the burnt face) will die... In fairness, I was hoping that they would at least arm SOME of the women in the crypt with weapons just in case but if they don't that could be a disaster!

Yeah next episode is supposed to be all battle. I reckon there will definitely be loads of deaths and then the following episode will be what's happening at King's Landing in the meantime (maybe an overthrow by Uron?). Do you think that those that do survive next week will end up heading toward's the Iron Isles as was the plan the Greyjoys worked out?

No, I don't think there's anything between Sansa and Theon...just familial love (but I could be totally wrong).

Yes I think Danny is NOT handling the news of Jon well and that is an epic meltdown waiting to happen...

haha yes! I have a GoT wine and everything!
My, how time flies....

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We've got a GoT Vodka!  The last episode may be a bit blurry!

Ah - Bran dies from injuries after the Knight King is killed - makes sense.

And once the battle is over with the WW - then they have to meet Cercie.  And how is Jamie going to cope with that - providing he is still alive.

I think Jon and Danny will survive, simply because there has to be a whole episode just about the two of them and who is heir to the throne.

If Little Sam, Gilly and Sam are in the crypt - then will they all go in one fell swoop?

I have had a theory that those who had valerian steel would survive.  Sam just gave Jorah the heirloom of his house - the valerian steel sword.  Arya has the valerien steel dagger from Little Finger.  Brienne has the sword that Jamie gives her (although if she is killed that is my theory out the window), Jon has a valerian steel sword.

And do you remember thingy, can't remember his name, bald chap without any bouncy bits, who had little birds whispering secrets to him.  The red witch said he would return to die, and so would she.  And of course, he is in the crypt, isn't he!  So if the dead rise, then his eyes will turn blue.

So, where is the red witch Melissandra? 

I think once this battle is over, then the survivors will head for Cercie.

My spell check is fainting with all these names it can't come to terms with.

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And then she was caught up. So many good one liners in these two episodes.

"Stay back, he's got blue eyes!!"

I've always had blue eyes!

Hubby got us Now TV so we could watch. I lurve him.

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The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

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Hahahaha I loved the bit where he’s like “I always had blue eyes”

I was wondering where the red witch was!!

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My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
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'Mommy, Wow! I'm a legit Brit now!'

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Lyonaria - pull up a chair, I'll pour you a drink.

This next episode should be fantastic!

So many great lines.

As long as Ghost the wolf survives, I'll be happy.

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Hahahaha I loved the bit where he’s like “I always had blue eyes”

I was wondering where the red witch was!!

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I was struggling remember what happened to some people. Haha.

When Jaime went to apologise, I told my hubby that's what he was doing... And he was all, I hope not. First words outta Jaime's mouth were an apology.

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The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

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Lyonaria - pull up a chair, I'll pour you a drink.

This next episode should be fantastic!

So many great lines.

As long as Ghost the wolf survives, I'll be happy.
Not to be an anarchist... But I kind of want someone to do an alternate ending where the Night King wins and they wipe king's landing off the map and Tyrion gets his wish.

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The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

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That could still happen! 

Who knows in Game of Thrones!

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Not to be an anarchist... But I kind of want someone to do an alternate ending where the Night King wins and they wipe king's landing off the map and Tyrion gets his wish.

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I feel like there isn’t one particular way for this to end that I’ll be satisfied with. Part of me wants total, empty night king chaos and part of me is like “that’d be depressing I wouldn’t like that” haha

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My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
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Lyonaria - pull up a chair, I'll pour you a drink.

This next episode should be fantastic!

So many great lines.

As long as Ghost the wolf survives, I'll be happy.

I was amped when I saw ghost and remembered he was still alive!

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My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
* Moved to the UK on said visa October 2013
* FLR(M) applied for  May 2016. Biometrics requested June 2016. Approval given July 2016.
* ILR applied for January 2019 (using priority processing). Approved February 2019.
* Citizenship applied for May  2019
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* Ceremony conducted on August 28th 2019

'Mommy, Wow! I'm a legit Brit now!'

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Ghost should sit on the Iron Throne!

I just want to get through this next episode and to see who gets killed.

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Ghost should sit on the Iron Throne!

I just want to get through this next episode and to see who gets killed.

You know what, I've changed my mind....The best ending for me would totally be absolute chaotic Night King rule BUUUUT Ghost lives and actually curls up for a nap on the iron throne. As long as ghost doesn't die, I'm good. I don't do well with movies/films where dogs die. I am not a crier BUT you can guarantee I will probably bawl if they kill a dog LOL
My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
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'Mommy, Wow! I'm a legit Brit now!'

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And I want the dragons to live as well.  I was as upset as Danny when the Knight King killed one.

In fact, lets kill everyone and just keep the animals.

Do we reckon that Arya is preggies now?

And, will the Hound kill the Mountain?

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And I want the dragons to live as well.  I was as upset as Danny when the Knight King killed one.

In fact, lets kill everyone and just keep the animals.

Do we reckon that Arya is preggies now?

And, will the Hound kill the Mountain?

I would doubt very much that Arya is preggo. I feel like I just can't see them writing this for that character. I do hope the hound will kill the mountain if I'm totally honest, but that would require him surviving the battle.

I feel like Beric will have to die because he's just survived one too many times...but I like him so I don't really want him to die lol

I am totally on board for killing off all the people and leaving only the animals. It's like they'd be restoring peace, balance, and nature to the realm LOL
My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
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Here's another thought/theory...do we think the "Children of the Forest" may still exist and - if so - be creating the white walkers? Or is there a chance - if they do exist - they might help stop the white walkers?
My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
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* FLR(M) applied for  May 2016. Biometrics requested June 2016. Approval given July 2016.
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* Ceremony conducted on August 28th 2019

'Mommy, Wow! I'm a legit Brit now!'

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