ok - don't laugh -- but I haven't read a one yet! I've been LOOKING for a while now -- and I think I'm going to have to start. Yes?! (duh I know)
Ok - question one
Is there a different ADULT version of the books -- or not?
Usually, an 'adult' version just means they put a different type of cover on it.
I got hooked when I started hearing all the hoopla when the 4th book came out; I though, fine, let's see what this kids' stuff is all about, and picked up the first one, which was the only one available in paperback at the time... and have not been able to put them down since.
But just GET ONE!! I don't think they do have 'adult' versions, because the artwork is so good on the covers, and I think they put 'adult' covers on for those who are too embarrassed to show what they're reading... .who cares?!?! We all know, most of us LOVE Harry!
In fact, I'll take this opportunity to plug my own article, which I've no idea if anyone's read it:
http://www.uk-yankee.com/articles/kuyperama/index.php?itemid=19 - perhaps not fantastic writing, but... should be good for a laugh anyway.