I know they are more expensive, but I HIGHLY recommend getting a Webber BBQ grill. We went with one and I have no regrets and am pleased we spent a bit more for it vs. the cheaper brands because I know it's going to last for a while and be sturdy. We got it because the thought was that it's a brand that has been around a long time so we can find parts easily enough to replace anything that needs replacing, it has a pretty good warranty on it, and has the best reviews. 5 stars from me! (we've had ours since June)
We've used Webers for years. They are good, reliable grills. I loved our little Weber kettle grill so much I paid to ship it over with our "stuff" when we moved. It's a bottom-of-their-line charcoal/wood cooker, but one of the best I've ever used. It's "been through the wars" and still works just fine.
This sounds like such a great adventure - refitting a kitchen from scratch!
You know, though, I have to say that the best thing I've purchased for the kitchen since we've been here has been that Lakeland counter-top oven. It heats up really fast, has top and bottom heating elements with separate controls, can broil, bake, or go "convection". It also has a rotisserie in it, although I doubt I'd ever use it. Plus it has a heating option for yogurt-making, which works well to proof bread dough. And it's SO nice to be able to quick-bake small items, like a quiche or a baked potato, without having to wait forever for the big oven to heat up. Uses a lot less electricity, too. We always had a counter-top oven in the States for pretty much the same reason, and I had forgotten how much I missed it until the new one arrived recently.