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Topic: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application  (Read 4268 times)

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Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« on: December 02, 2019, 03:38:08 PM »
Hello all! I have finally swallowed my anxieties and started filling out the actual online ILR (spousal) application. Been gathering and organising documents for weeks but have been putting off the actual form. I am now going through the form and was hoping I could ask input about things they ask for…mostly because the way things are worded here in the UK often confuse me and I would just really appreciate some feedback to let me know if I am reading the questions correctly. I have kept tabs of these questions as I am going through the application, so they will come in order of appearance.

1.   In the start section, you must tick a box saying you will “provide a declaration signed by partner”….can I consider this to be the sponsorship letter that my husband provided for my entry and FLR applications (updated, of course)? If so, any advise as to what he needs to say in it?
2.   Part asking for you name has option for a title, but says to put how your name is on passport/brp….neither of mine has a title. Should I put nothing in this or put “Mrs”? I am nervous about this because of how ridiculous this is for the Life in the UK test.
3.   Telephone number asks you to identify if the number is for use in the uk as well as “for use whilst out of the UK.” I have occasionally travelled outside of the UK and when I do, I have no other phone number but I just use online apps like WhatsApp. Should I still tick “for use whilst out of the UK”?
4.   Family and cultural ties….this section has gotten more annoying. How much do they want? Does it matter how I format my answers? (Complete sentences or not?) Last time I only put my parents as I rarely speak to any other family members. Do I have to put people I barely speak to? More so – how much do they want for friends? This is the social media age….I have kept some form of contact with most of my good friends back home. Should I just list them until I run out of 500 characters? Are they gonna know if I have left someone out?
Most confusing of all is the new one – “are you a part of any social groups or other cultural ties? Could include social networks or connections….” What does this even mean? Does this include social media like facebook groups or LinkedIn? Then if you say no, they want to know why not. What does “cultural ties” mean?
5.   How long in the UK….I will be making this application within 28 days before my 60th month, so I put 4 years 11 months – good?
6.   Time spent outside UK….I was all prepped for this, having kept track of every day I spent out of the UK because every other application asked for every trip. But imagine my surprise when this specifically says not to include holidays less than 2 weeks. What?!? That makes no sense and is making me really nervous. Didn't the old ones actually ask for every trip every? I’m tempted to ignore this and list every trip like I always have (especially the one that was 13 days) because otherwise I would be leaving out 5 trips in the last 5 years and only including my visits home to America. What did people do with this? Is there an "additional information" section you can add at a later time like normal where I can disclose these trips?
7.   Also with Immigration history….it asks if you’ve ever been deported, removed, etc etc. Where it says “required to leave” I am not sure what to say. In 2013, my husband and I went to Ireland for 5 days before I was going to spend 5 months with him and his family in the UK so we could travel around and decide whether to settle here or America. (We were not married at the time.) Anyway, the passport officer in Dublin was super grumpy and got really suspicious when I said I would be spending 5 months with my boyfriend in the UK. He didn’t use the normal stamp in my passport, instead he used one that listed limited leave and required me to leave Ireland by a certain date (the day after I intended to fly to the UK). Should I put this as a yes and explain the situation?

Less specifically:
Will there be a section to explain other travel issues? We had a problem when we went from Dublin to the UK during that 2013 trip as no one warned us I would not go through passports between the two countries. We asked the border guards at luggage claim what to do and they said “well, we could take you to passports but they would probably stick you in a room to be questioned for an hour. Your best move would probably just be to go to another country and come back in to get your stamp.” We were unable to go anywhere due to my husband’s job till a month later. Went to Paris, came back, got VERY lucky with a very nice passport agent who loved our “how we met story” even though she told us that the border guards were absolutely wrong for giving us that advice. I gave her all evidence of trips and intention to return to America, and she let me in. I still left at the originally intended date, so I did not go over six months. This situation gave me A LOT of stress for my first visa application, but I was advised here to detail an explanation. I did and included it in my FLR app to my happy success….I was hoping I would be able to give it in this one as well.

Also, will I be scanning my previous passport as well? Probably yes, but I haven’t gotten to anything saying anything about it yet.

This is where I have stopped for the moment as I need to find my saved files that detail anything that needed explaining. Particularly my unfortunate driving offences in America…no one hurt, I just wasn’t always the best driver. They have always excepted my explanations for these in my previous applications as well so I want to use the same one. But, should I worry about them affecting ILR with the whole “good character test” thing? Nothing on my American record since 2011, and absolutely nothing on my record here in the UK.

This is all a lot…I know. Apologies for that. However, I am actually hopeful that this will help others who may have these questions as well as myself. I can’t be the only person who second-guesses what exactly these things want. Thanks in advance for any advice.
Engaged: June 2014
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2019, 04:01:12 PM »
1.   In the start section, you must tick a box saying you will “provide a declaration signed by partner”….can I consider this to be the sponsorship letter that my husband provided for my entry and FLR applications (updated, of course)? If so, any advise as to what he needs to say in it?

No, there will be an official declaration at the end of the form which needs to be signed by the sponsor (it was also part of the FLR(M) form as well). I believe you need to sign one and your sponsor signs one too.

You should not be providing a sponsorship letter - the sponsor letter those only needed for the initial fiance or spousal visa. A sponsorship letter is not required for FLR or ILR.

2.   Part asking for you name has option for a title, but says to put how your name is on passport/brp….neither of mine has a title. Should I put nothing in this or put “Mrs”? I am nervous about this because of how ridiculous this is for the Life in the UK test.

Well, how are you known? Are you Ms or Mrs? Is your passport in your maiden name or married name? If it's maiden name, I would put Ms. and if it's married name, I would put Mrs.

Passports and BRPs do not have a title on them, so they mean that your first/middle/last names must match your passport/BRP.

3.   Telephone number asks you to identify if the number is for use in the uk as well as “for use whilst out of the UK.” I have occasionally travelled outside of the UK and when I do, I have no other phone number but I just use online apps like WhatsApp. Should I still tick “for use whilst out of the UK”?

Do you have a mobile phone? If so, put that number. WhatsApp requires a mobile phone number in order to register, so you must have one for that?

4.   Family and cultural ties….this section has gotten more annoying. How much do they want? Does it matter how I format my answers? (Complete sentences or not?) Last time I only put my parents as I rarely speak to any other family members. Do I have to put people I barely speak to? More so – how much do they want for friends? This is the social media age….I have kept some form of contact with most of my good friends back home. Should I just list them until I run out of 500 characters? Are they gonna know if I have left someone out?
Most confusing of all is the new one – “are you a part of any social groups or other cultural ties? Could include social networks or connections….” What does this even mean? Does this include social media like facebook groups or LinkedIn? Then if you say no, they want to know why not. What does “cultural ties” mean?

They are wanting to know whether, if your visa is refused, you know anyone in your home country that could help and support you if you were to have to return.

So, list your parents first, then any other family members, and then if you have space, you could list friends as well.

Social groups/cultural ties does not mean social media... it means things like religious groups you are involved with in person, support groups within your local community, friends and family... things like that.

5.   How long in the UK….I will be making this application within 28 days before my 60th month, so I put 4 years 11 months – good?

If that's the truth, then yes. It's not a trick question. Count how long you have been here and write it down.

6.   Time spent outside UK….I was all prepped for this, having kept track of every day I spent out of the UK because every other application asked for every trip. But imagine my surprise when this specifically says not to include holidays less than 2 weeks. What?!? That makes no sense and is making me really nervous. Didn't the old ones actually ask for every trip every? I’m tempted to ignore this and list every trip like I always have (especially the one that was 13 days) because otherwise I would be leaving out 5 trips in the last 5 years and only including my visits home to America. What did people do with this? Is there an "additional information" section you can add at a later time like normal where I can disclose these trips?

Why is it making you nervous? This is a good thing... it means less work for you!

Only disclose what they ask for - if they don't want every trip, don't give them every trip... that just complicates things and gives them more work!

The old FLR(M) form used to only ask for trips longer than 6 months, then it went to all trips (which was the same for ILR), and now it looks like they only care about trips longer than 2 weeks (probably because all trips was too much work).

7.   Also with Immigration history….it asks if you’ve ever been deported, removed, etc etc. Where it says “required to leave” I am not sure what to say. In 2013, my husband and I went to Ireland for 5 days before I was going to spend 5 months with him and his family in the UK so we could travel around and decide whether to settle here or America. (We were not married at the time.) Anyway, the passport officer in Dublin was super grumpy and got really suspicious when I said I would be spending 5 months with my boyfriend in the UK. He didn’t use the normal stamp in my passport, instead he used one that listed limited leave and required me to leave Ireland by a certain date (the day after I intended to fly to the UK). Should I put this as a yes and explain the situation?

No, you put NO - that is not what they are talking about.

This question is asking whether you have every been living in the UK illegally, have been caught by UKVI, arrested and detained... but instead of being deported, you elected to leave voluntarily.

You have NEVER been in this situation, so your answer is NO.

You were let into the UK legally and left before your visa ran out.

Also, will I be scanning my previous passport as well? Probably yes, but I haven’t gotten to anything saying anything about it yet.

I believe you only include it if you have renewed your passport since moving to the UK.

This is where I have stopped for the moment as I need to find my saved files that detail anything that needed explaining. Particularly my unfortunate driving offences in America…no one hurt, I just wasn’t always the best driver. They have always excepted my explanations for these in my previous applications as well so I want to use the same one. But, should I worry about them affecting ILR with the whole “good character test” thing? Nothing on my American record since 2011, and absolutely nothing on my record here in the UK.

Unless any of them are unspent criminal convictions, they will not affect your application.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 04:03:21 PM by ksand24 »

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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2019, 08:58:14 PM »
Well, how are you known? Are you Ms or Mrs? Is your passport in your maiden name or married name? If it's maiden name, I would put Ms. and if it's married name, I would put Mrs.

Passports and BRPs do not have a title on them, so they mean that your first/middle/last names must match your passport/BRP.

I never changed my last name for personal reasons...and in great part because the idea of having to go through all the crap you go through to change your name was ridiculously daunting when also being faced with a visa application. Has never been an issue, but I'm not sure what to do now. I researched into it at the time to figure out how to be titled and it seemed like I could still use Mrs. with my own last name since its now just a signifier of marital status. So all my UK bills and bank statements, and driver license, all say Mrs. with my own last name. I actually made it this way out of paranoia that having Ms. would make them think that my marriage was a sham. So I am just confused because I don't remember the other applications ever asking for a title.

Do you have a mobile phone? If so, put that number. WhatsApp requires a mobile phone number in order to register, so you must have one for that?

Yea, I only have one phone number. And I have put it. But the form wants to know if I use it both in AND out of the country. I think it just wants to know if I have any other phone numbers. I guess I will just put yes, that is my number outside of the UK. Its just a confusing question.

They are wanting to know whether, if your visa is refused, you know anyone in your home country that could help and support you if you were to have to return.

So, list your parents first, then any other family members, and then if you have space, you could list friends as well.

Social groups/cultural ties does not mean social media... it means things like religious groups you are involved with in person, support groups within your local community, friends and family... things like that.

Yea, I remember why they ask this....although assuming the person's friends will take them in is pretty presumptuous. If I list family and friends on this application that I did not list on my last....is that a bad thing? I feel like if anything I say differs from previous applications, I will look dishonest. But, my parents are literally the only family that would take me in which is why I only listed them.

And thanks...I really wasn't sure what they wanted by social groups and cultural ties. I've been gone five years...any groups that I may have been involved with, I definitely no longer am. I even cancelled my library card.

Why is it making you nervous? This is a good thing... it means less work for you!

Only disclose what they ask for - if they don't want every trip, don't give them every trip... that just complicates things and gives them more work!

The old FLR(M) form used to only ask for trips longer than 6 months, then it went to all trips (which was the same for ILR), and now it looks like they only care about trips longer than 2 weeks (probably because all trips was too much work).

I worry cause it just seemed weird...like they are trying to pull one over on you in the same way that the "checklist" doesn't list everything you need to provide. It made sense to me to ask for every trip....you are letting someone in your country, you should know where they have been. I suppose this is my third time around, so if something was gonna come up prior these last 5 years, they would have found it by now.
Weird follow up....what about the month at the beginning of what qualifies as "5 years" when I had not moved here yet and was in America?

No, you put NO - that is not what they are talking about.

This question is asking whether you have every been living in the UK illegally, have been caught by UKVI, arrested and detained... but instead of being deported, you elected to leave voluntarily.

You have NEVER been in this situation, so your answer is NO.

You were let into the UK legally and left before your visa ran out.

Thank you! I was definitely worried about screwing this one up.

I believe you only include it if you have renewed your passport since moving to the UK.

Strange again because I swear I had provide my old passport for the other two visas.

Unless any of them are unspent criminal convictions, they will not affect your application.

Yay! I thought it wouldn't, but I admit I have woken up at 3am in a panic about it.

Thank you so much for all your input! There will be more questions as I continue through, most likely, but you have helped tremendously with this. Thank you!!!

I gotta say to all the other applicants...anybody else annoyed that you can't skip a question and go back? I know you could change things but would be great to get a lay of the land as a whole, so to speak. Still, if I don't have to explain all the confusing stuff in my travels, that will be good.
Engaged: June 2014
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2019, 09:09:57 PM »
I never changed my last name for personal reasons...and in great part because the idea of having to go through all the crap you go through to change your name was ridiculously daunting when also being faced with a visa application. Has never been an issue, but I'm not sure what to do now. I researched into it at the time to figure out how to be titled and it seemed like I could still use Mrs. with my own last name since its now just a signifier of marital status. So all my UK bills and bank statements, and driver license, all say Mrs. with my own last name. I actually made it this way out of paranoia that having Ms. would make them think that my marriage was a sham. So I am just confused because I don't remember the other applications ever asking for a title.

In that case, I would go with what you normally use.

By the way though, there was no reason to be paranoid - if you had wanted to use Ms., you could have used use Ms... it makes no difference to UKVI.

Yea, I only have one phone number. And I have put it. But the form wants to know if I use it both in AND out of the country. I think it just wants to know if I have any other phone numbers. I guess I will just put yes, that is my number outside of the UK. Its just a confusing question.

Yeah, sounds good. Basically, don't overthink things... just answer the questions that the form asks.

Yea, I remember why they ask this....although assuming the person's friends will take them in is pretty presumptuous. If I list family and friends on this application that I did not list on my last....is that a bad thing? I feel like if anything I say differs from previous applications, I will look dishonest. But, my parents are literally the only family that would take me in which is why I only listed them.

I doubt they will even know what you put on the previous application. All they do is look at the information on the desk in front of them and make a decision. Also, your circumstances could have changed in the last few years... you might have different family members/friends in the US now compared to then.

Ultimately, the answer you put here won't be taken into consideration unless you don't meet the visa requirements and they have to look into whether you qualify under Article 8.

And thanks...I really wasn't sure what they wanted by social groups and cultural ties. I've been gone five years...any groups that I may have been involved with, I definitely no longer am. I even cancelled my library card.

Yeah, so just put 'No' to social groups/cultural ties. Again, it won't be considered unless they have to consider Article 8.

I worry cause it just seemed weird...like they are trying to pull one over on you in the same way that the "checklist" doesn't list everything you need to provide. It made sense to me to ask for every trip....you are letting someone in your country, you should know where they have been.

That's not 'pulling one over on you' though - it's simply the government being unable to design online forms that make sense. Nothing to do with you or your application. Personally, I think the 'every trip' thing was stupid and should not have been asked for in the first place. Because really, what does it matter? There's no 'number of days in the UK' residency requirement for any of the settlement path visas.

Weird follow up....what about the month at the beginning of what qualifies as "5 years" when I had not moved here yet and was in America?

Just count from the date you arrived in the UK on your visa (the date your 5 years started. According to your signature you arrived in the UK on January 30th 2015, so as of today, you have lived in the UK for 4 years and 10 months.

Assuming you are not submitting the form until early January, you will therefore put 4 years and 11 months.

Strange again because I swear I had provide my old passport for the other two visas.

You definitely did for the spousal visa. You probably did for FLR(M) too. But, remember, the forms and rules can change over the years - in recent years, they have specified that you only need to provide previous passports if you have held them SINCE you arrived in the UK.

So, if you still have the same passport as when you arrived on your spousal visa, you only provide that passport, but if you have renewed your passport in the last 5 years, you provide both passports.

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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2019, 12:32:31 PM »
Thanks for all that Ksand24. I actually re-read my FLR application "additional info" statement and while I submitted my previous passport, I even said that I was not sure if I should cause there was no specification. And I didn't include any explanation about Dublin or Paris. So I guess I'll just do the same as last time :-)

 Most of my questions are just based off my own paranoia. Its a problem I've had since I moved here. Its difficult for me to control anxieties about things when I feel like I have no control over my life...which is sadly how I have felt since my first visa application. I had a similar issue in grad school, but managed to take back control. Here...I'm at the mercy of the Home Office. I managed to get some help through Mind this summer when my husband had pnuemonia, but my sessions ran out. So I really really appreciate all the patience and help you and everyone on here offers. Getting clarification on things really helps the anxiety, so I hope you will be willing to keep keeping an eye on this thread as I progress through the application. :-)

On that note, haha. An earlier part of the application asked for a reference number. There is a reference number of my FLR acceptance letter. Should I put that?

(Funny story....nearly had a heart attack the other night cause I couldn't find that letter OR our marriage license! I always keep them in the same box, but my husband had put them with his payslips after we looked through documents a few months ago. Ooooooo is he lucky he was in London this week! lol. )
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2019, 04:56:44 PM »
Most of my questions are just based off my own paranoia. Its a problem I've had since I moved here. Its difficult for me to control anxieties about things when I feel like I have no control over my life...which is sadly how I have felt since my first visa application.

I have no helpful advice to offer but just want to say I know exactly what this feeling is like. Maybe as anxious people we just tend to catastrophize, but I find applying for visas so very existentially stressful precisely because it's out of my hands, and I feel that I don't have any rights here if I make a mistake or forget something, or get a grumpy bureaucrat processing my application – since my life is now here, the thought of a rejected visa and returning to the States is unthinkable. Paranoid, maybe, but not totally unreasonable.

All we can do is try to breathe and hope that it'll work out. Hang in there, Shelsis!! Sounds like you've got all your documents lined up, you're getting through the application with plenty of time, and you know what you need to do to get your ILR. You got this. <3
Met UK 30/05/2016
Married US 03/03/2017
Applied spouse visa 17/04/2017
Decision 31/05/2017
**Visa Approved**

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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2019, 05:24:47 PM »
I have no helpful advice to offer but just want to say I know exactly what this feeling is like. Maybe as anxious people we just tend to catastrophize, but I find applying for visas so very existentially stressful precisely because it's out of my hands, and I feel that I don't have any rights here if I make a mistake or forget something, or get a grumpy bureaucrat processing my application – since my life is now here, the thought of a rejected visa and returning to the States is unthinkable. Paranoid, maybe, but not totally unreasonable.

All we can do is try to breathe and hope that it'll work out. Hang in there, Shelsis!! Sounds like you've got all your documents lined up, you're getting through the application with plenty of time, and you know what you need to do to get your ILR. You got this. <3

D'aaahhh, thanks nonmerci. I appreciate the pep talk. Everyone on here, especially the experts like Ksand24, have been my life savers. But just the support has been so invaluable. Absolutely no one can really understand the anxiety of this without having gone through it. So its hard to feel comfort when everyone tells you to stop worrying so much. What you've described is EXACTLY how I always feel. Thank you, and all of you, for the support!
Engaged: June 2014
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2019, 05:27:12 PM »
Okkkkkk, I made it past the "application section" and moved on the finance/accommodation. A couple questions pop up.

The first one is a bit silly and might seem common sense, but just wanted to verify. When asked about the 6 months same employment/salary....it does not say anything about categories like the old forms did. When I say yes, it gives four options but is kind of vague because it does not specify for the 6 month period. I have selected "the same amount continuously, above the financial requirement amount."

Next - I see that the application is showing that a P60 is optional, however the wording is confusing. It says "A P60 for the relevant periods of employment relied upon." Well, the last P60 would not fall in the relevant period of employment as ended 9 months ago. Due to this, I was thinking about just not putting it in, as my husband's raise took affect in February, so his last P60 falls a bit short of the MIR. I know I could explain it, but I'm trying to make it as uncomplicated as possible. Especially since I'll be explaining additional months payslips/statements due to his ssp sick pay. So, I'm glad it says optional. Just looking for thoughts. We will have the contract and employment letter definately.

Do you have to put LTD in the company's name? Its a UK governing sports body, but its apparently technically a LTD (I'm not a business person so I have no idea really what that even means.)

This bit is not a question, just saying what I did and asking for thoughts of it is appropriate.
For accommodation, I said that I neither own nor rent my property and explained that our house is owned by us but in my husband's name only. I added that we both contribute to monthly expenses. I will also provide the required documents they listed. Will I have to put my husband's passport in the folder for that as well as the other?

Here's a tricky one that re-opens one of my first questions.
Required: All previous passports, travel documents or national identity cards that you have used to travel to or remain in the UK
My previous passport is what was used for my first two visits to the UK before we ever applied for the visa. Anywone been in this situation before?

I had other questions but I managed to sort them myself :-) Cheers everyone!

Engaged: June 2014
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2019, 09:24:20 PM »
Oh, another question. For income....it asks for the date that the current employment began. Now, my husband started his current job in march 2018, but his hours and his pay was extended in Feb 2019. When it asks for date that current employment began....which date do I use?
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2019, 01:39:28 AM »
Oh, another question. For income....it asks for the date that the current employment began. Now, my husband started his current job in march 2018, but his hours and his pay was extended in Feb 2019. When it asks for date that current employment began....which date do I use?

They are asking what date he started working for his current company... and he started working for them in March 2018.

It's all been the same employment, the only difference is that his hours/pay for that employment changed in Feb 2019. So, Feb 2019 is the date you use for how long he's been earning his current salary.

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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2019, 08:25:00 PM »
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks so much Ksand24. You're a gem as always. Would you happen to have thoughts on the other questions I asked before that last one?

For the passport...because of the wording, I've been debating just scanning it in and sending it. I've looked through my last application and it looks like I included the passport as well, but didn't put in the long explanation. (I was wrong in remembering being asked my travel history on FLR....that was just the first one).
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2019, 01:05:19 PM »
They are asking what date he started working for his current company... and he started working for them in March 2018.

It's all been the same employment, the only difference is that his hours/pay for that employment changed in Feb 2019. So, Feb 2019 is the date you use for how long he's been earning his current salary.

I (mistakenly, apparently) took this to mean the date my job title/pay rise changed, so I put 1 April 2019. My employer letter states that I began working for the company in October 2017, and details the job title and pay changes in that period.

Is this going to be a problem? I have my biometrics on Monday and if needed could amend my covering letter and re-upload?
Met UK 30/05/2016
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2019, 07:57:29 PM »
I (mistakenly, apparently) took this to mean the date my job title/pay rise changed, so I put 1 April 2019. My employer letter states that I began working for the company in October 2017, and details the job title and pay changes in that period.

Is this going to be a problem? I have my biometrics on Monday and if needed could amend my covering letter and re-upload?

Sorry this is late...what does your employer letter say? If it says October 2017, it might be a good idea for you to explain the April date on your cover letter since its probably too late to change the application itself. Better safe than sorry?
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2019, 09:49:06 PM »
My employer letter outlined my current job title and salary, when that promotion began (this year), and also explained when I started working for the company (2017) and what my pay and job title were at that time.
Met UK 30/05/2016
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Re: Seeking help on specific questions on ILR application
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2019, 09:52:19 PM »
I will just add that the current online application asks what your "current" job title is, what your "current" salary is, and when your "current" employment began -- it felt dishonest to state 2017 as that would imply I had that job title and salary from the beginning. However, the next question is "have you worked for this employer for more than 6 months", to which I answered "yes".

So my employer letter clearly outlines the various promotions (I've had 2), and my cover letter also explained these dates (and referred to the employment letter).

Based on the wording of the online application, I don't think it would have made sense to put "Oct 2017" in the "current employment" field. I think outlining this in the employer letter and cover letter should more than suffice.
Met UK 30/05/2016
Married US 03/03/2017
Applied spouse visa 17/04/2017
Decision 31/05/2017
**Visa Approved**

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