Hi hope no one minds me just asking a quick question on here about applying the earliest I can apply is beginning of March 2020 my visa expires 9 July 2020 but I wanted to give myself some leeway for when I do my ILR application but at the same time I want to get my application in before the fees change if they change. So I was just curious as to what you guys would do apply early to beat the fee charges update or apply later with the potential of having to pay more?
Well, at the moment, we don't know whether or not the fees will increase, or what date they will increase on. Usually they announce it a few weeks before the new fees come into effect, but not always.
This year, the fees did not increase at all, but new/different EEA services were introduced in anticipation of Brexit.
Other years, the increase has been announced in Feb/March, but not introduced until April 6th... but one year, we had 24 hours notice of new fees, and another year, they came into effect in March instead of April.
So, basically, I would see what happens in March - if new fees are announced with enough notice, then you may be able to get your application in before they come into effect.