Ya know, I have to wonder if this virus was already loose in the wild before it clustered in Wuhan and was detected?
There are cases popping up here and there in the USA that, now that they are testing for it, come up positive with the person having supposedly had no contact with anyone who could have been infected. I wonder if it wasn't brought abroad from the point of origin last year, with a lot of people who caught it thinking they just had a bad cold or the flu and who didn't go in for any treatment? Unless the local health authority in the hospital would have been looking for it if someone presented at A&E, would they even have known to check for it prior to the Wuhan cluster?
Just wondering, mostly because the both of us had a wicked illness last fall that was worse than and unlike anything I've ever had before. The Daughter is convinced she brought it home from the shop she worked at, where she had to do 8 hour shifts constantly handling money and where she was prohibited from washing her hands while on duty(!). Her hands would be noticeably gray at the end of her shift, some days. (She asked if she could use hand sanitizer and was told she could not, because it might "get on the food" she had to handle. And when she would ask to take a break every few hours to go wash her hands she got a lot of static from the line managers.)
She came home ill one day, and a few days later I had it. It was shortly after all the overseas students returned to the Uni for the year. So I have to wonder.