Well, they're at least trying. Doesn't help the situation much, but at least they are trying. Again, the generic, pervasive low-level incompetence that runs through society....
(although it is a pandemic and not really something anyone really expects and plans for.)
If it helps, for perspective perhaps remember that in the USA you'd have gotten nothing at all and would not expect to be getting anything you didn't arrange for yourself. And that grocery deliveries in a lot of areas in the States is a non-item. (As in, they don't deliver.)
Perhaps there's some online community where you can swap items with someone who can use them who has something they cannot or do not want?
I have been trying to get a Tesco slot, they are still booked solid. Sainsburys says we don't have the conditions on their list. That will mean that in a week I will have to go out again and get some items. Assuming they are in the shop and that I have not shown any symptoms. I am waiting the full seven days since that drunk coughed all over us, just to be sure. I am feeling fortunate that there actually is a shop within a mile to walk to. Otherwise, we'll manage until there is nothing left in the house to eat (not a danger for some time) or I've gotten the bug and gotten over it. If I do not get over it, I have no idea how the Daughter will manage. She is afraid to go out, now.