I've been feeling a bit guilty because a month or so ago, I was issued a second O2 concentrator... my main one is fine, but I had requested a portable one for camping, and they granted it to me. I, obviously, won't be going camping any time soon, and I know that O2 concentrators are going to be in high demand. But my husband and I didn't like the logistics of returning it... So I felt guilty about not immediately volunteering it.
But today, the nurse phoned and asked which one they could take back, and I sorted it all out. The decision was taken from me, and the right thing is happening, and so I can stop feeling guilty. They will phone on Thursday when they are nearly here, and I will place the concentrator in a place where they can collect it, then step back inside my "bubble" and wait for them to retrieve it. The nurse has noted on the account that I'm self-isolating and the technician should not attempt to enter the property or come into contact with me.
#DoingMyPart #GivingBack (literally!)
Also, the nurse said she'll re-issue a portable concentrator to me after this is all over with. I told her I'm looking at a year or two before I'll need it, so they can take their time.